Chapter 51. Nothing without him

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Sohee observed the solemn scene as everyone quietly began their breakfast. The morning after the event was tinged with an unsettling silence, each person lost in their thoughts, unable to shake off the curiosity surrounding Seungcheol's absence. The maids' attempts to rouse him were futile; his locked door stood as a barrier to their concerns.

"Heri, please prepare a plate for him," Sohee implored the older woman, her voice carrying a mix of worry and affection. Her heart ached with a love that surpassed even familial bonds, despite Seungcheol's betrayal. She couldn't bear the thought of him starving himself, no matter the reason. Forgiveness came easier to her than anger, yet the sting of deception lingered, tainting each glance she stole at his vacant seat.

Mingyu's gaze followed Sohee as she ascended the stairs, a silent witness to her unwavering devotion. His own emotions churned within him, jaw clenched in frustration as he returned to his breakfast, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

Arriving at Seungcheol's door, Sohee's gentle knocks echoed in the hallway, met only by silence. Determined, she instructed the maid to fetch the keys, her resolve unyielding. With a trembling hand, she unlocked the door, bracing herself for what lay beyond.

The sight that greeted her was haunting. The room, shrouded in darkness, bore the unmistakable stench of alcohol, a stark contrast to the opulence that surrounded it. Sohee's heart sank as she surveyed the wreckage before her—the bed disheveled, the lamp shattered—a tangible reflection of the turmoil within.

"Keep the tray there, and you may go," Sohee murmured to the maid, her voice barely above a whisper. Left alone, she tentatively stepped into the room, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of Seungcheol.

"Seungcheol?" Her voice wavered, filled with both fear and longing as she searched for him, each corner of the room holding a silent plea.

And then she found him—crumpled on the floor, his form motionless, a mere shadow of the man she loved. "Oh, Seungcheol," Sohee gasped, rushing to his side. With trembling hands, she cradled his head, her heart pounding with a mixture of relief and despair.

"Seungcheol, please, wake up," she whispered, her words a desperate plea against the deafening silence. When her efforts proved futile, she reached for the water bottle, her hands shaking as she sprinkled its contents over his clammy skin.

Seungcheol's reaction was immediate, a sharp intake of breath followed by a grimace of pain. Sohee watched helplessly as he clutched his head, his features contorted in agony. Her own heart ached with every strained breath he took, her worry eclipsing any anger or resentment she might have felt. All that mattered now was bringing him back to her, safe and whole once more.

Sohee's voice trembled with concern as she surveyed Seungcheol's disheveled state, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Seungcheol, are you okay? What happened, my dear?" she inquired, her heart aching at the sight of his distress.

Seungcheol's throat constricted, a raspy cough escaping his lips as he struggled to speak. "Water," he managed to croak, his parched throat begging for relief. Sohee wasted no time, pressing the water bottle to his lips as he eagerly drank, the cool liquid soothing his raw throat.

"What have you done to yourself?" Sohee's voice wavered, her hand moving in gentle circles on his back as she searched his eyes for answers. Seungcheol's gaze remained distant, his expression blank as he stared ahead, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts.

"Nothing," Seungcheol sighed, his voice heavy with resignation as he leaned back against the bed. Sohee's heart ached at his despondent demeanor, aching to alleviate his pain.

"Come, let's get you up," Sohee urged, helping Seungcheol to his feet and guiding him to the coffee table. With a determined stride, she flung open the curtains, allowing the warm sunlight to flood the room, banishing the shadows that clung to the corners.

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