Chapter 42. Far yet near you

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Seungcheol emerged from Hyori's room, his steps carrying him through the expansive hallway until he found solace in the vast living room. The air was tinged with a sense of quiet contemplation as he sank into the plush cushions of the couch. The room, adorned with tasteful decor and bathed in soft, ambient lighting, offered a sanctuary for his thoughts.

As he settled onto the comfortable upholstery, a heavy sigh escaped his lips, echoing the weight on his mind. The living room, with its grandeur and elegance, seemed to absorb the tension that lingered in the air.

Seungcheol's gaze wandered, perhaps seeking refuge in the familiar surroundings, while the subdued atmosphere of the room bore witness to the emotional currents swirling within him.

"What will you do after that?"

As Hyori's questions continued to dance in his mind, Seungcheol grappled with the aftermath of revealing Jeonghan as his fake husband. The weight of uncertainty pressed upon him, leaving him at a crossroads, unsure of the path ahead. The enormity of the situation lingered in the air, demanding his attention.

With the lingering echoes of his revelation resonating, Seungcheol confronted a dilemma. Was he meant to let go of Jeonghan now that the truth had been laid bare for all to see?

The mere thought ignited a fiery rage within him, a tempest of emotions threatening to consume him whole. The prospect of releasing Jeonghan seemed intolerable, akin to tearing apart the very fabric of his existence.

In the quiet solitude of the living room, Seungcheol found solace in the whispered admission to himself. "I can't let go of him, fuck! I can never let go of him," he uttered, the words carrying the weight of an undeniable truth.

Jeonghan wasn't just a desire; he had become a fundamental need, an essential part of Seungcheol's being that transcended the boundaries of pretense.

The internal struggle painted a complex portrait of Seungcheol's emotions, each brushstroke revealing the depth of his connection with Jeonghan. The living room, witness to this internal turmoil, held an air of tension, as if the very walls absorbed the intensity of Seungcheol's internal conflict. The realization that Jeonghan was not only a fixture in his life but a vital necessity left Seungcheol grappling with the profound implications of his own admission.

"Seungcheol!" Sohee exclaimed, causing Seungcheol to raise his head in response to her distress. "Yes?" he answered, straightening his posture.

"We're out of the materials for tomorrow. Could you do me a favor and grab them from Yeji's apartment?" Sohee's fingers frantically hit the telephone buttons as she tried to reach Yeji.

"Huh? Right now? That far? Alone?" Seungcheol groaned, disliking the idea of making the trek across Daegu, a journey that takes about 2 to 3 hours by car.

"Yes, honey," Sohee replied with an apologetic smile, placing her hand over his knee in a conciliatory manner. Seungcheol sighed, reluctantly agreeing to the task.

"Yes, Yeji? Yeah, Seungcheol is coming over to yours," Sohee responded in the call before turning towards Seungcheol after ending it.

"Just go! Take someone with you," Sohee urged Seungcheol, who responded with a whiny face, his reluctance evident.

"Take who? Everyone is busy," he muttered, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Jeonghan isn't!" Sohee chirped, her eyes lighting up as she observed Jeonghan descending the stairs with a confused expression.

"Han! Are you busy?"

"No, why?" Jeonghan inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Could you please accompany Seungcheol to Yeji's house? You guys have to grab the materials she gives and come back before night," Sohee explained, Seungcheol feeling his breath hitch and his hands sweating as the unexpected responsibility sank in. The weight of the impending errand seemed to hang heavily in the air.

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