Chapter 30. Hushed Rooms

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As the room fell into a hushed pause, every gaze pivoted toward the unassuming figure of the maid. The clatter of Seungcheol's fork hitting the plate echoed in the sudden stillness, and with a determined expression, he abruptly rose from his seat, his actions speaking volumes in the charged atmosphere.

"Let's go Jeonghan" Seungcheol's commanding voice cut through the tension-laden air as he summoned Jeonghan to join him. With seamless grace, Jeonghan passed the cups to Sohee, his movements elegant yet swift. The door beckoned, and as the two men embarked on their exit, there was a subtle exchange of glances that hinted at a shared understanding, leaving a trace of intrigue lingering in the room.

Anxiety gripped Jeonghan, his heart pulsating with a rapid cadence as he pondered the mysterious summons from Seungcheol's mother. Questions whirled in his mind, each thought racing faster than the beat of his heart. Imagining the kind of woman she might be, he couldn't shake the unease that enveloped him.

The room seemed to hold its breath, tension palpable in the air. Observing Seungcheol's demeanor, Jeonghan couldn't help but question the nature of their impending encounter. A subtle frown etched on Seungcheol's face hinted at a complex relationship, leaving Jeonghan to wonder if this woman, despite her familial ties, truly deserved the loyalty she received.

Jeonghan's mind, once a chaotic whirlwind, came to a sudden standstill when he felt the reassuring touch of Seungcheol's fingers enveloping his unconsciously clenched fist. The simple gesture, a grounding force, offered a silent promise of support that transcended words. In that moment, Seungcheol's presence became a balm to Jeonghan's racing thoughts.

"Relax, it will be okay," Seungcheol's voice, a steady reassurance, guided both of them. Turning towards Jeonghan, Seungcheol's hands cradled his cheeks, and the vulnerability in Jeonghan's doe-eyed gaze met the strength in Seungcheol's gaze. The unspoken connection between them resonated, a silent understanding that transcended the forthcoming uncertainties.

Seungcheol, with a tender sincerity, continued to ease Jeonghan's unease. "Don't take her words to your heart," he urged, his hands now delicately tucking a strand of Jeonghan's hair behind his ear. Jeonghan, though still uneasy, nodded in acknowledgment, finding solace in Seungcheol's comforting touch. With a half-hearted smile, he conveyed gratitude for the support that silently spoke volumes in that fleeting moment of vulnerability.

Their steps came to an abrupt halt in front of the imposing door, a grand portal that seemed to guard the secrets within. Positioned at the far end of the hallway, the door exhibited a timeless, brownish-furnished allure, its appearance untouched by the passage of time. The wood exuded a sense of history, bearing witness to the stories that unfolded behind its stately facade.

As Seungcheol and Jeonghan stood before this formidable entrance, the atmosphere hinted at a blend of anticipation and trepidation. The door, an enigmatic gateway, seemed to hold the weight of countless tales within its solid frame. The mere act of reaching this point felt like crossing a threshold into the unknown.

A table nearby cradled a vase filled with an array of flowers, a juxtaposition of fragility against the imposing door. The blossoms, a burst of color, offered a touch of warmth to the otherwise solemn corridor. The juxtaposition of the delicate blooms against the sturdy door created a visual symphony, adding a layer of complexity to the scene, as if nature itself sought to soften the gravity of what lay beyond the formidable entrance.

Seungcheol's hand, poised in mid-air, echoed through the hallway with a series of firm knocks on the door. The weight of anticipation hung in the air as the aged door slowly creaked open. Revealed before them stood an elderly maid, her eyes initially cautious, but recognition flickered as she assessed the visitors. The atmosphere shifted, and with a respectful nod, she instinctively moved to create space for Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

"Come in," her voice, carrying the wisdom of years, invited them into the sanctum beyond. The simplicity of her cream-colored maxi dress conveyed an understated elegance, accentuated by a traditional Korean hairpin that securely held her hair in place. Her face, devoid of any makeup, bore the marks of time, adding a layer of authenticity to her presence.

Despite her apparent age, there was an undeniable grace about her, suggesting a strength that had weathered the passage of time. Judging by her demeanor, she appeared to be in her mid-thirties, a blend of tradition and experience emanating from her as she ushered them into the mysterious realm that awaited within.

The room enveloped Seungcheol and Jeonghan in a subtle hush as they navigated the space, each step echoing in the silent anticipation. Seungcheol's mother, an enigmatic figure immersed in her own world, sat on the couch engrossed in a book, her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. The air was charged with a palpable tension that seemed to thicken as they entered.

The abrupt call of "Mam" from the maid served as a catalyst, breaking Seungcheol's mother from her literary trance. With a measured grace, she closed the book, turning her attention towards the duo standing before her. The room's atmosphere shifted as she regarded them, her gaze sharp and piercing, betraying a discerning awareness.

"Sit," her voice cut through the silence, carrying an authority that compelled obedience. Gesturing toward another couch, she directed Seungcheol and Jeonghan to take their places. Seungcheol, taking the lead, tugged Jeonghan along, and they settled onto the designated seats. The weight of the room intensified, a heavy silence hanging as Seungcheol's mother placed the book on the table, straightening her posture with an air of formality.

"Yuna, Chinese herbal teas, one extra strong," the order reached Yuna, the maid, as she bowed and walked out of the room.

"So... how was your tour around Daegu today? Did you enjoy it?" In the dimly lit room, the air thickened with tension as Jeonghan's eyes widened in surprise at Seungcheol's mother's unexpected inquiry. The couch beneath him seemed to hold an uncomfortable weight as he shifted nervously, clearing his throat before responding.

"Huh... oh yeah, it was fun," Jeonghan said, clearing his throat as he shifted on the couch.

"Great, I'm Choi Hyori, Seungcheol's mother, and your mother-in-law," Choi Hyori's presence commanded attention, her gaze penetrating as she introduced herself, revealing her role as both Seungcheol's mother and now, Jeonghan's mother-in-law. With a nod, Jeonghan acknowledged the formal greeting and bowed in respect.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jeonghan," he said as he bowed once again.

"Seungcheol, you can leave. I'll talk to Jeonghan myself." As Seungcheol faced the impending departure from the room, panic etched across Jeonghan's features. Desperation tinged his voice as he reached out to grasp Seungcheol's hand, seeking reassurance in that fleeting connection.

Sensing the panic, Seungcheol clasped his hands over Jeonghan's hand as he turned to his mother, "But Mom—"

"Seungcheol," Despite the silent plea, Seungcheol's mother, Hyori, issued a stern command, prompting Seungcheol to withdraw, leaving Jeonghan alone in her presence, the warning was clear as Hyori leaned back. Jeonghan's heart raced as Seungcheol let go of his hand and stood up.

"I'll be in our room," Seungcheol whispered into Jeonghan's ears before walking out of the room.

"So, Jeonghan..."



I would piss my pants if I have be alone with Hyori for even a minute. What do you think of her?

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