Chapter 40. Bizarre

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Mingyu's piercing gaze lingered on Jeonghan's elusive silhouette, methodically tracing each nuanced movement as the latter vanished into grandma's room. The fleeting moment hung heavy with unspoken emotions, a canvas of curiosity painted in the quiet recesses of the hallways.

A regretful "tsk" reverberated through the tranquil corridors, an audible echo of remorse as a smirk carved its way onto Mingyu's lips. Fingers curled casually into his sweatpants pockets, the atmosphere thickening as Jeonghan's slender figure gradually materialized, amplifying the subdued hushes that enveloped the space. "Such a shame that he found you before me," Mingyu remarked, the words carrying a subtle weight of missed opportunity.

Seated on the bed, Jeonghan's presence exuded a serene charm as he engaged in conversation with grandma. A small, contemplative smile adorned his lips, gracefully nodding in agreement to every word the elderly lady shared. The room became a tableau of warmth and connection, where the exchange of words wove a tapestry of understanding.

"What are you looking at?" Mingyu turned to find Wonwoo standing beside him, his appearance disheveled with tousled hair, red lips, and a conspicuous hickey on his neck, visible to all.

"Nothing, just observing how Jeonghan is navigating the complexities of the Choi house," Mingyu nonchalantly muttered, stepping back into the room. His arms instinctively encircled Wonwoo's waist, eliciting an annoyed eye roll from his companion.

As the cold atmosphere of the room thawed, "What's our move? The annual gathering is tomorrow, and they'll announce Seungcheol as the CEO," 
Wonwoo voiced concerns about the imminent annual gathering where Seungcheol's CEO announcement loomed. Tracing imaginary lines over Mingyu's broad back, he sought reassurance. The room's ambiance shifted, becoming a touch warmer, mirroring the increasing proximity of Mingyu to Wonwoo.

"I have a solid plan for that, don't worry," Mingyu reassured, a confident undertone in his voice. Their lips intertwined in a moment of intimacy, hands finding their way through each other's hair, the room transformed into a cocoon of shared secrets and heated connection.


"--And then he used to water that plant every day with the strong belief that one day money would actually grow on it," Jeonghan laughs heartily along with grandma, their joy reverberating through the room. As she skillfully navigates the narrative, the tale unfolds of Seungcheol's childhood innocence, where he genuinely thought trees could sprout real money.

"That's actually so stupid and hilarious. He's so innocent yet dumb," Jeonghan remarks, his laughter punctuating the absurdity of Seungcheol's youthful belief. Clutching his stomach from the mirth, he delicately wipes the moist tears that form around his eyes, still caught in the contagious amusement.

"He is. My Seungcheol has the purest heart in this whole family..." The room embraces a hushed silence, punctuated by the warmth of grandma's affectionate words, creating a comfortable atmosphere. Jeonghan, touched by the sentiment, nods in agreement, the unspoken acknowledgment adding to the familial bond.

Seungcheol, in reality, possesses the purest heart, a sentiment reinforced by the unspoken understanding within the room. He holds a selfless love, willing to give the whole world for the ones he cherishes.

"He does," Jeonghan utters in a hushed breath, Seungcheol's face vividly appearing in his mind, triggering a genuine smile that reflects the depth of their connection.

"He hates buying gifts or any type of things for anyone, thinks it's a waste of money and time..."Grandma begins with a soft smile, reflecting on Seungcheol's aversion to purchasing gifts or anything for others, deeming it a waste of money and time. Her gaze lingers on the anklets adorning Jeonghan's legs, and she observes with affection as he unconsciously traces the delicate silver band with his hands.

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