Chapter 13. The Choi Casa

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"We are here"

Jeonghan stepped out of the sleek black car, his eyes scanning the impressive mansion-like house before him. The Choi residence was a sight to behold, with its grand architecture and traditional Korean design. The intricate wooden engravings on the gate were a testament to the attention to detail that had gone into the construction of the house.

Jeonghan followed Seungcheol out of the car, his eyes widening in awe as he took in the sight before him. The house was surrounded by lush greenery, with a well-manicured garden that added to the overall grandeur of the place. The Korean letters spelling out the name of the house were written in bold, gold lettering, adding to the regal appearance of the property.

Jeonghan stepped closer to the gate, his fingertips grazing over the smooth wood as he took in the intricate details. The wood was polished to a shine, with every curve and line etched out with precision. It was clear that no expense had been spared in the construction of the Choi residence.

As they made their way towards the entrance, Jeonghan couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Seungcheol's home. It was a true testament to his success and hard work, and Jeonghan couldn't wait to see what lay inside.

Is the inside just as beautiful as the outside?

Seungcheol stood in front of the door, his finger poised above the doorbell. Beside him, Jeonghan stood, their hands intertwined, while Jeonghan clutched his bag tightly. Taking a deep breath, Seungcheol closed his eyes and pressed the doorbell, causing a loud electric sound to reverberate through the air. Startled, Jeonghan jumped back, a small shriek escaping his lips.

"Wow, that's loud," he chuckled, trying to steady himself as he brushed his hand over his vibrant red sweater, attempting to calm his racing heart.

"I'm sorry, that must have frightened you," Seungcheol apologized, his grip on Jeonghan's hand tightening, both to comfort him and to steady his own nerves.

"It's alright, my sweet sugar," Jeonghan cooed, playfully teasing Seungcheol, who joined in the laughter.

"Oh, look at that, you're actually laughing," Jeonghan squinted his eyes in surprise at Seungcheol. Clearing his throat, Seungcheol straightened his posture, regaining his composure.



Seungcheol's breath hitched as he heard the familiar voice of his aunt fall onto his ear when the huge door opened. He lifted his head to see a woman in her mid-40s standing at the door, staring at him with wide eyes. His heart softened at the sight of her moist eyes as she leaped onto him.

"My baby," the voice was heavy as it got muffled into Seungcheol's neck, his fingers leaving Jeonghan's warm hands to wrap around his aunt.

"Auntie Sohee," Seungcheol mumbled as he hugged her back tightly. She was the only person Seungcheol ever wanted to meet when he came home, the only person who actually and genuinely wanted him to come back home, the only person who actually thought and missed him, the only person who loved and cared about him.

"How have you been?" Sohee said as she cupped Seungcheol's cheeks, her teary eyes turning into a crescent as a laugh escaped her throat.

"Oh my, you look so thin. Are you not eating well--"

Jeonghan glanced at the interaction quietly, standing awkwardly beside Seungcheol who continued to talk to his aunt. Jeonghan then took his time to observe the lady. Even though she was in such a huge house and part of such a big family, she was dressed very simply, according to Jeonghan. Her brown shoulder-length hair was pulled back in a half-up style, and her face was adorned with minimal to no makeup. The maxi shirt dress was even simpler, with only small flower embroidery on it, paired with a pair of sandals.

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