Chapter 3. Intrigued

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"We should really get inside, guys," Joshua grumbles, his voice filled with exhaustion as he reluctantly rises from his comfortable position. The late hour weighs heavily on him, and he knows that both he and Seok are in need of rest.

Jihoon, however, suggests an alternative. "It's very late," he says, his voice laced with concern. "Perhaps we should wait until morning?"

Jeonghan, in agreement with Jihoon, adds his support. "You really shouldn't go now, Shua," he says, using Joshua's nickname. The exhaustion is evident in his voice as well, and he joins the others in rising from his chair, ready to make their way back inside.As they begin to retreat, the question of sleep arises. "Are we going to sleep?" Hoshi asks, his voice filled with uncertainty.

The responses vary. "No," says everyone, perhaps eager to continue the night's
activities. "Yes," says Jihoon, perhaps longing for the comfort of a warm bed.

But it is Jihoon who captures their attention, his words carrying a sense of compromise. "Fine," he sighs, giving in to their pleading eyes. "But only for an hour." With that, he disappears into the bedroom, leaving the others to follow suit.

However, Hoshi interrupts their retreat with a proposition. "Come here, all of you," he calls out, his voice filled with excitement. They turn to see him near the fireplace, holding sticks in his hands, ready to light a fire.

The chill in the air is undeniable, and Joshua, feeling the cold seep into his bones, paddles his way over to the house's chimney. Seokmin, never one to leave his boyfriend's side, follows suit.

As they gather around the crackling fire, the warmth begins to thaw their tired bodies. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on their faces, illuminating their features in a soft, golden glow. The air is filled with a sense of tranquility, a respite from the chaos of the outside world.

"Seungcheol, it's midnight, you imbecile. I explicitly mentioned that I would inform you if I found someone suitable for your request," Jihoon's irritated voice reverberated through the hall, capturing everyone's attention. The diminutive male strode into the room, clutching three large blankets in his hands.

Jihoon let out an exasperated sigh as he removed the cellphone from his ear and carelessly dropped it onto the couch. He then made his way towards the crackling fireplace, the blankets bundled tightly in his grasp.

"What's the matter, Ji?" Hoshi inquired, rising from his seat and offering his assistance in laying out the blankets.

Jihoon's frustration lingered in the air as he replied, "Seungcheol just can't seem to comprehend the concept of time. I explicitly told him that I would notify him if I found someone suitable for his request, yet here he is, bothering me in the middle of the night."

"Who is Seungcheol?"

Jihoon and Hoshi turned their attention to Jeonghan, who was lying near the right side with a baby pink blanket covering him. Beside him, Joshua and Seokmin were cuddling under one blanket.

"He's actually our friend, Choi Seungcheol," Jihoon explained as he lay beside Hoshi, who wrapped his arms around his husband to pull him closer.

"The heir of the Choi group, Seungcheol?" Seokmin perked up at the mention of the name.

"Yes, but how do you know him?" Jihoon asked.

"Who doesn't?" Seokmin exclaimed, pushing Joshua away and sitting up straight.

"Well, apparently I don't. Will you guys take the responsibility to explain it to me or what?" Jeonghan interrupted, feeling unsatisfied with the missing information. He hated being left out of conversations he had no clue about.

"He is the soon-to-be CEO of the Choi Group, a prominent modeling and idol agency in Korea. Their groups and models have been incredibly successful over the past decade, making them a major player in the industry. Seungcheol is in line to become the next CEO, but there's a catch. He's currently in a heated competition with his cousin, Mingyu, for the position," Jihoon explained, and Jeonghan nodded in understanding.

"Why are they fighting? Shouldn't the most qualified person get the job?" Jeonghan asked, shifting in his seat.

"Well, the rules in their family are a bit twisted," Seokmin chimed in. "According to them, the most eligible candidate is the one who has a spouse. Unfortunately, Seungcheol is single, while Mingyu is married."

"So, Seungcheol has been pestering me to find someone who can pretend to be his husband until he secures the position," Jihoon concluded, and Jeonghan's face lit up with understanding.


"Yes?" Jeonghan replied.

"How long are you planning to stay in Korea?"

"I'll be here for about a month. Why do you ask?" Jeonghan inquired, curious about Hoshi's sudden excitement.

Hoshi's face beamed with excitement as he sat up straight.

"I think I might have a favor to ask of you..."



Not me showing up as if I haven't been ghosting y'all for days! 😭😭 Im sorry my babies!!

Anyways how's the chapter? 🫣

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