Chapter 52. Endure the pain for Love

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Jeonghan sat alone in his room, the weight of Seungcheol's absence pressing heavily on his chest. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as he replayed their last encounter in his mind, the warmth of Seungcheol's touch still lingering on his skin.

The confession had been a whirlwind of emotions—a mix of relief and fear, hope and uncertainty. But now, as he sat in silence, the reality of their situation sank in, and Jeonghan couldn't shake the nagging doubt that gnawed at his heart.

"Seungcheol..." Jeonghan whispered, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the room. He longed to reach out, to hear Seungcheol's voice, to feel his presence beside him once more. But the distance between them felt insurmountable, a chasm widening with each passing second.

Memories of their time together flooded Jeonghan's mind—the stolen glances, the whispered confessions, the tender moments shared in secret. How could something so pure and beautiful now feel so fragile, so uncertain?

Jeonghan's heart ached with a longing he couldn't quell, his thoughts consumed by visions of Seungcheol's smile, his laughter, his touch. But amidst the longing, there was also fear—the fear of losing everything they had fought so hard to keep hidden, the fear of being torn apart by forces beyond their control.

As the hours stretched on, Jeonghan found himself lost in a sea of doubt and despair. Was their love worth the sacrifices they had made? Could they find a way to overcome the obstacles that stood in their path?

The rhythmic knocking on his door shattered Jeonghan's reverie, wrenching him from the depths of his tumultuous thoughts. With a heavy heart, he stared at the door, its solid frame a barrier between him and the outside world.

Oh, how he yearned for solitude, for a moment of respite to grapple with the storm raging within his soul. Yet, the universe, cruel and unyielding, seemed intent on disrupting his fragile peace, the persistent knocks echoing through the silence like a relentless drumbeat.

Reluctantly, Jeonghan rose from his seat, his movements sluggish and weighted with exhaustion. Each step felt like a herculean effort, his body protesting against the intrusion into his sanctuary of solitude. With a resigned sigh, he approached the door, his hand hovering uncertainly over the handle as he braced himself for the inevitable.

As the knocks sounded once more, Jeonghan hesitated, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Should he ignore the visitor, retreat back into the comforting embrace of solitude? Or should he confront the intruder, steeling himself for the confrontation that awaited on the other side?

With a weary resolve, Jeonghan grasped the handle, the cool metal a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within him. Slowly, he swung the door open, revealing the figure standing on the threshold—a silent sentinel in the dimly lit hallway, their expression one of concern and apprehension.

Jihoon stood outside Jeonghan's room, his hands trembling slightly as he balanced a glass of juice and a carry bag filled with food. "Ji..." Jeonghan's weak voice called out, a mixture of exhaustion and despair evident in his tone. With a heavy heart, Jihoon stepped into the room, the weight of the situation bearing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

Approaching the nightstand, Jihoon set down the glass of juice and the bag of food, his movements deliberate yet tinged with a sense of helplessness. "Uncle said you haven't eaten anything yet, so I came..." Jihoon began, his voice laced with concern. "Hannie, you can't do this to yourself."

Jeonghan sank onto the bed, his limbs heavy with fatigue as he struggled to meet Jihoon's gaze. "How can I eat, Ji?" he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "When I know that there's someone out there who can't even take a relaxed breath without me? How can I indulge in food when I know that Seungcheol is starving himself..."

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