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          NOVAS POV

I was 16 when this responsibility was put on me.

It wasn't even my responsibility to begin with.

This wasn't supposed to be how this went. This wasn't my future to begin with.

It was his.

And now I'm stuck with the burden until I'm killed for it. Until im killed with it because there's no other way out, and I know it, and he
knows it. Yet this doesn't change anything.

This was never my job. I was never supposed to be the boss, I was never set on this path. He put me here. And I know he didn't mean to, I know this wasn't anybody's plan, but this is how it ended, and began.

And everyday I resent him for what he did to me.

What Donovan did to me.

Nobody even mentions him anymore, he wasn't disowned for his actions or anything, he's still a part of the family of course. My family will never do such a thing. But just because he was my family didn't change anything.

I was 16 when my dad was originally stepping down. This wasn't the first time he was giving up his position for one of his kids. One who wasnt me. My dad announced that he was stepping down from his position 5 years ago.

He announced that my brother was taking his place instead. This was the first time that I experienced my dad stepping down and the controversy it caused was crazy. He didn't announce it to the public yet just within the mafia.

It was definitely a new experience, and nobody knew how this was going to go. I had a bad feeling about it and when I got older I instantly knew why.

I finally understood why my dad always told us never mix business with pleasure.

Never get your feelings involved.

Never get too close to someone.

And above all, was dont fall in love.

When I was younger I never understood where his dislike for love— for relationships came from, I didn't question it though, I followed his words— his rules exactly.

Just to prove I could do this.

I mean everyone was relying on me now, to make the tough calls, big decisions.

And at first it was easy.

I've killed with out thinking twice, I've made alliances, expanded our mafia beyond comprehension, and more importantly.

I've did more than Donovan ever has.

Just to prove to my father I would never end up like him.

But ever since she came along none of this felt natural. It made me question what I was doing, if I made the wrong decision— because when she's around I don't want to kill anymore, I don't want to hurt, to have this job, and to even be surrounded by this.

And that wasn't good.

It wasn't good at all.

When I was 16 my brother had me and Noah cover for him when he'd leave. At the time I didn't know what he was doing where he had to sneak behind my parents backs.

But I understand why now.

And I was terrified.

"Noah just admit you suck, this is the fourth time I won." I told Noah who was laying on the mat inside the fighting room.

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