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I put tin foil over the remainder of the cake and set it on the counter. Nova was upstairs unpacking everything and I was cleaning up any remainder of the "celebration" down stairs.

My mom walked toward the counter, "You know that you didn't have to do this, I told you I could put everything up," she said referring to the fact that I wiped down the counter, washed the dishes that were used, and put everything away.

"It's fine, it wasn't really a problem." I responded, hanging the towel on the rack.

My mom grabbed my hand, "You know we have to catch up right?" she said, leading me outside.

I chuckled, "I was honestly waiting for it."

She opened the sliding door to our deck and the sound of the waves crashing against the beach filled my ears.

Living in a beach house growing up was honestly the best thing ever. I remember my mom would go out and buy some of my favorite desserts and on fridays when she'd pick me up from school, we'd go on the beach and have a mini picnic and I would discuss what I did for the day.

My relationship with my parents has always been great, I didn't realize it when I was younger but they gave me the best possible childhood I could ever have.

"So how's work?" my mom questioned as soon as I sat on the patio couch.

I nodded my head, trying to recall what details I told her and which ones I spared, "It's been good, everything's just approaching really fast,"

She sat down next to me."How many people did you say were coming to the thing?" she asked.

"I think around two hundred plus, it's a lot of work I have to put in, it's going to be really busy when I get back." I replied.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "Something else is going on." she said, obviously not believing me.

A deep sigh fell from my lips upon being caught. "I'm just– really stressed about this, and I'm trying my best to live in the moment but every time it feels like I take a step forward by not worrying, it seems like I'm taking two back when my mind circles back to the topic. It's like I'm stuck on an endless loop." I admitted.

She pulled me into her, trailing her hand up and down my arm, "You've always been a bit of an over thinker when you were little, but when it came down to what you were worrying about you always did great on it. And I know for a fact you'll do amazing on this despite what challenges it might bring."

She slightly pulled away, "Now I can't stop you from over thinking, but I can force you to enjoy this vacation." she joked.

A chuckle fell from my lips before a peaceful silence grew around us.

"I want to do something nice for Nova." I suddenly said.

When Nora said she wanted to give us a little get away my first thought was planning what I was exactly going to do for Nova.

I wanted to take her on a date but I didn't know what exactly to do yet.

"Like a date?" she questioned and I nodded my head.

Silence washed over us once again before my mom spoke, "I have a perfect idea."

I shot Nova a glance from across the room for what seemed like the twelfth time tonight.

I told her my parents had something planned for us and that we'd be meeting them there.

But I could not take my eyes off of her, especially what she was wearing.

Nova had on a black short sleeve button up which was unbuttoned showing the white shirt underneath, dark blue jeans and some plain white shoes.

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