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"You have everything you need?" Nova asked once more.

I nodded my head, "It's only two days right? there's not a lot that I really need." I said.

Nova seemed a bit worried nonetheless. I don't know what Nora told her but she seemed on edge about the whole idea.

I wasn't that opposed to it because I could get work from where we were going, and the place I chose made it perfect for that.

And of course I'd get to spend time with Nova.

"Okay." she said softly.

I dropped my last necessity in the suitcase and rose to my feet. "You seem stressed,"
I pointed out gently, grabbing her face.

She looked between my eyes for a few seconds before responding, "My mom told me it was business related, I don't really want you going."

I caressed her cheek, "I could always stay here," I offered knowing that the trip was a suggestion and not something that was solidified.

I also had to make it seem like I wasn't in on the whole idea, because she wasn't actually going there on business.

Nova didn't know that of course.

"You can't, my mom said my dad was having a mafia based meeting at the estate." she replied.

"And that means...?"

"A bunch of mafia bosses from around the world would be in my living room." she said blankly.

A raised my brows, "So field trip?" a small smile grew on my lips.

She lightly sighed and nodded her head causing me to jump in joy.

As long as I could keep this act up, everything should go smoothly until we land.

"I don't know what's crazier— the fact that you guys own a private jet, or the fact that there's five of them." I said in complete awe.

Sometimes I forget how much money they actually have.

"Well... five in New York, we also have some in Italy... Brazil..." she trailed off and that seemed to put the amount of money they have into perspective.

I furrowed my brows not understanding why they would need private jets all over the world, "Why so many?" I questioned.


And before I could respond the door managed to glide open revealing a set of plush white carpeted stairs.

Nova motioned her hand toward the newly revealed stairs urging me to go first.

I stepped onto the stairs and with each step I took, I found excitement and worry creeping up on me.

I just hoped that even with this mini vacation I was able to pull everything off.

Nova soon entered the plane behind me with both of our bags as I scanned the interior.

And this was one hundred percent their plane.

From the white interior to the pilot dressed down in white, the theme was definitely clear. "Too much white?" Nova questioned handing our belongings off to one of the flight attendants.

I sarcastically shook my head, "Of course not, it's... just the right amount?" I questioned, raising a brow.

She squinted her eyes at me, "You seem unsure." she pointed out.

And before I was able to come up with an excuse the pilot spoke, "Sorry to interrupt Ms. Casper," he glanced toward me, "I wanted to do a quick introduction, I'm Issac, your pilot, once we take off we'll be in the air for a little over ten hours. Any questions or concerns I'll be happy to answer them."

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