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                  SEVEN MONTHS LATER.

After waiting what seemed like the thousandth table today I was officially done.

Not with waiting, just done for the day.

Looking back I wish I never joked about us barely having customers, because I'd take serving nine people, over five hundred any day.

It's so shocking how fast we got popular and how fast everything was changing.

We not only grew our customer base but also our employees.

We no longer have only four people working.

We upgraded to a solid ten.

And although it isn't a lot of people of course, the little victories still count.

After I successfully completed my job which entitled falling in love along with a roller coaster of emotions and feelings, both me and the restaurant received the money.

Which I had honestly forgot all about until I checked my bank account nearly a week later to find more than what was promised sitting there untouched.

I don't think my bank account has ever seen that much at once.

But after the restaurant AKA Mr. Zho received his portion, the first thing he did was fix this place up.

And invest in some build board advertisements of course. Which is the reason why we average over seven hundred customers on a good day now.

Everything was either upgraded or we like to say-finally not neglected. Cause a lot of the things in here could have been fixed ages ago, like that flickering light in the back alley.

It's not like we didn't have enough money.

Mr. Zho is just lazy.

"Are you guys still coming to the pool party today?" I asked Ethan and Camilla as I gathered my stuff from the locker.

"Yup, now that we got a whole ten workers I'm using any and every reason to get off early." Ethan said, spinning around in the office chair.

"Right, like why did I work a total of five hours this whole week." Camilla agreed, causing a slight chuckle to leave my lips.

I averted my gaze down to my phone as the screen illuminated with a text from the extremely familiar name, causing a smile to appear on my face.

"Here she goes yall." Ethan groaned which caused me to roll my eyes.

I opened my mouth to respond but they seemed to beat me to it.

"I'll see you guys later." they both mocked, eliciting another eye roll from me.

"I'll be sure to switch up my excuse next time." I said giving them a slight wave before exiting the restaurant to find my favorite person in the whole world.

I pulled Nova in the biggest hug possible as I wrapped my arms around her neck, standing on my tippy toes.

"I haven't seen you in so long," I said, keeping my face nuzzled in her neck.

And god she smelled so good.

"Six hours and counting?" she questioned and I easily hummed in response.

I pulled back from the hug to give her a brief kiss on her lips.

Nova raised a brow, "I didn't know we were doing one second kisses now?" she joked.

I rolled my eyes leaning back up into her to give her longer than a one second kiss.

And when I tell you I never get tired of kissing her. The butterflies and the sparks are still there.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now