12: Love & Blind - S

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The bots are not enjoying this time off Morocco gave them, and there are some other issues too.
Having time off felt rather strange for the bots.

They knew it would last for awhile, but it really didn't hit them at first. They took some time to actually relax, while also discovering more of what Earth had to offer withi the planet itself.

Now, here they were, all laying on top of each other in absolute boredom as they found themsevles dead with nothing to do. It had seemed that even them all piled up on each other still couldn't fix the feeling that was itching and aching at them.

"This is doing nothing!" Blades commemts, literally weeping at this point. He has watched tv, done a couple thing, but, he can't seem to find something else to keep him busy.

"I thought this would be rather soothing." Chase says, but finds the whole thing uncomfortable as he is sandwiched between Boulder and Heatwave.

"Well, it was your idea!" Heatwave was very much holding onto Chase for support, as he was determined not to fall and make the loudest commotion possible since Blades was on top of him.

"Why did I have to be on the bottom?" Boulder asks, who finds himself really needing some relief from all the bots being on top of him.

"Because you're the only one who can handle all our weight, duh!" Blades says, but nearly falls off, gripping something for dear life. "What am I holding?"

"Who said I could lift all of you?" Boulder had some serious doubt when he spoke.

There was a dead silence, Blades still gripping something and definietly didn't plan on letting go unless he was going to take the entire pile down with him. Chase was just squished, and very much wanted to beg for freedom. Boulder was not enjoying the weiht on him, as he feels extremely numb in some spots. Heatwave, he just wanted off.

"What am I holding?" Blades asks again, the silence that was eerily in the bunker leaving to the much needed question that had to be asked.

"That is Chase's servo." Boulder simply responds.

Neither bot said anything, which very much confused both Heatwave and Boulder. When this happened back at the Academy, they would immediately burst out in something, either apologizes or weird guesters. The silence was so random, and clearly meaning something was wrong.

"Is this why you put me here?" Heatwave finally figured out why he was where he was, because it would've made much more sense if he wasn't on top of Chase. "You two couldn't face each other and so you put me in between it?!"

"No, no, it's not like that-" Blades was trying to speak out for the real situtation, but Chase was going to straight up cut him off before he never got to the point.

"We broke up."

Boulder gasped so loud, completely shocked by the words of the police bot. It was most certainly stunning, although that couldn't be told for Heatwave's expression, but neither one of those two bots knew that there was that situation.

"And when was this?!" Boulder asks, unsure of how much longer he will keep up with all the other three on top of him.

"Like, two earth days after we arrived on this planet." Blades answers, while Heatwave just shoots him a strange look?"

"Two?!" Heatwave states once again. "And you guys didn't bother to tell us about the whole situation?!"

"I did not believe you were both interested in our courting lives." Chase mentions, after all, he probably has tried to say it on countless occasions but either forgot or were in the middle of something and it had to wait for later.

"That's it, sorry about this." Before any bot could question what Boulder meant by that, they all found themselves booted onto the floor with a loud and epic crash.

When someone came down to check upon the situation, all they found were the bots on the ground in defeat. They were basically speaking nonsense (or better yet, Cybertronian), and the humans just left them alone.

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