42: And His Name Is John Cena - H

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As every bot thought they were done with magnets, they found themselves quick to deal woth one of Doc Greene's issues, which certainly didn't end too well.

There was a collision, one in which contained Chase and Heatwave being extremely bulldozed by Boulder and a couple other thing that came at very quick speeds towards them with no given time to slip away from it.

Boulder was ok, which was much needed since he was going to really have to help with the magnet issue. Heatwave was somewhat fine, clealry traumatized and more than likely had his entire life flash before him at that desperate moment of the day. Chase was perfectly fine on the outside, while his processor seemed to be a bit jumbled, which made him to speak in absolute nonsense and have no understanding of what happened to be around him.

They managed to get everyone back to the firehouse, the situation fixed. Chase was extremely hard to understand, while all Blades was trying to do was get the bot to drink some energon to go to sleep so he could fix the situation. Heatwave was quick to crash once he was on the lift to head into the bunker, and Boulder continued to apologize for what had happened.

They all really hoped something like this wouldn't happen again.

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