63: The Possibility- S

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The bots talk, Cody learns something, and yet, they all still have no idea about the bots Ira had met.

It was still surprising that Ira had managed to meet other Cybertronians, especially because the possibility seemed to be so rare when Ira had actually met them. Of course, it was still uncertain of the real timeframe to what bots could've met Ira, but they already knew some.

"Anything?" Boulder asks, putting down whatever he was working on when Blades and Heatwave entered the room.

"It wasn't Optimus who answered, but we still have nothing." Heatwave responds, clearly a bit upset about that. "Although Carrier answered and was yelling at another bot about something, he did tell us they have never been to an island or met Ira."

"Didn't you say Ratchet wasn't a fan of humans?" Chase inquires, trying to remember something that went down earlier.

"Yeah, and he really decided to talk about them." Blades states. "It was hard to keep track of what he was saying because he kept going from English to Cybertronian, then he would yell at someone offscreen before continuing."

"That explains the long wait." Boulder realizes, also having to deal with the fact that they still have absolutely nothing on the bots Ira could've saw.

"I am so confused."

Did all the bots forget that Cody was in the room? Yes. Did they know how they could explain their words? No. Were they desperately hoping that even with what they did answer, the Chief wasn't going to hunt them down? Yes. In the long run, they were all worried.

"What is a Carrier?" He was mighty confused on that factor.

"I believe in your terms, it would be a mother." Chase answers, after thinking for five seconds longer than it would've taken anyone else to reply.

"Wait, then what's your term for dad?" Cody still seemed lost on something, and Boulder could easily guess that the question he was asking wasn't going to fix anything even if he was given an answer.

"Sire." Heatwave answers fast and quick, part of him hoping to avoid anymore questions.

"But didn't you say your Carrier was a he?" Blades sqeaked upon those words, Heatwave turning a side eye, Boulder looking down towards what he had and Chase just giving a strange face. There was a moment of silence, until Cody was quick to realize thee whole thing. "I'm not old enough to learn that, or you don't want my dad to kill you. Wait, it's both."

"Yeah." They all respond.

Cody was then called to eat dinner, leaving the bots alone in the bunker so he could have some food with his family. Did Cody mention what he sort of learned from the bots? Yes, yes he indeed decide to open his mouth and speak upon what he was taught moments before.

"Wait, Heatwave can have kids?!"

"Wow Kade, I'm surprised that those were the first things to come out of your mouth," Dani jokes, but is also a little bit shocked. "Besides food."

"I don't know whether to be disturbed-"

"No, Graham, you should be disturbed." Dani says, literally ending it.

"Wait, Dad is the first one who knew the bots," Kade was going very much overboard with this. "So he knows?!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about but, please, stop." Chief was too old for this, and besides, he wanted to eat dinner without the conversation that was present at the table right now.

"No, but they can all have kids, right?"

"I should've said nothing." Cody realized he was in for a very ling dinner tonight with how it was going.

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