64: Haters Of Genres - H

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Although the bots have watched a ton of movies by now, they are all very familiar with what they do enjoy and what they would mentally break down at.

Chase obviously loves his detective movies, and pretty much anything relating to cops in general. At times he can get a little bit too obsessed with them though and has to stop watching them, but everyone knows he cannot watch anything relating to dark humor. Anything with dark humor is offically off because it caused the Overthrown of the Senses: A Death Of Souls ordeal.

Blades loves anything with animals, especially the cute ones. Anything cute has the bot hypnotized for hours on end and has fallen into recharge a couple times while watching it. He cannot watch anything that relates to bloody deaths because he screams extremely loud, horror is also something they get him to avoid because it makes him jumpy.

Heatwave will watch any documentary relating to human history, as long as it talks about weapons, fighting, and people screaming at one another at some point. He does enjoy watching geography things too, but it isn't his favourite, although he is strictly banned from watching anything in another language because he then went on a weird thing and had all of his emotions set to different langauges.

Boulder likes plant documentaries, and animal ones too. He had also watched any tutorials relating to certain points in human math and in sciences, but certainly cannot handle watching dissections. No one really knows exactly what he doesn't like watching but there was one movie in which he completely despised because the dog died in it.

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