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• Will's POV •

I took a deep breath as I opened the door.

"You know, mum, I can drive myself" I said.

"I know but I want to drop you off on your first day. Plus, they drive differently here and you're not used to it yet" she answered. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Have a good day!" She screamed as I shut the door. My cheeks were a little pink. A few people were looking at me because of the scene that my mother just made. Or maybe it was because I was the new kid. Not many people just randomly join in the middle of the school year. I walked up the steps and into the guidance office immediately. I had no idea where I was going. This was stupid. I don't know why I couldn't just finish out high school in England. It was my senior year. I already miss everyone back in England. The perky guidance counselor sprung up from her seat and led me into her room. There was a boy already sitting in there. He looked like a douche bag. He was probably in here for dealing drugs or something.

"William! Now-"

"Will" I said, interrupting her. Her smile wavered a bit but then returned right back to the same position.

"Will, since you're new here, I've asked Jordan here to help you out by showing you around and helping you to your classes" Miss Perky said. I actually can't remember her real name. Everyone has been throwing names at me since I've gotten here. I looked over at Jordan who was still sprawled onto the chair. "Jordan, this is Will. Will, this is Jordan" she said.

"Hey" Jordan said, simply. "Let me see your schedule" I took it out of my bag and handed it to him. "Alright, looks like we actually have first period together. I'll show you where it is" he said, standing up. I didn't really trust him. He didn't seem like a nice guy. We both walked out of the office with Perks smiling like crazy. Jordan showed me my locker and then walked in front of me to history. A lot of people would stop and say hi to Jordan in the halls. Great. He's probably one of those popular jerks who gets away with everything.

"Listen," Jordan said, breaking me from my thoughts. "I have to do this so it looks good to teachers. Do not think we are friends. We're not. I'm simply showing you to your classes. Other than that, you're on your own. Don't even try talking to me outside of class. We come from two completely different worlds and I'm not interested in learning yours" he said. Ding ding ding! Will was right again! Jordan is a major dick!

"If we're being truthful here, I could not give a shit who you are or what you're trying to do. I think I can handle my classes from here" I said, grabbing my schedule from Jordan's hands and walking in front of him. He jogged up to walk next to me.

"Dude, where are you from?" He asked.

"I thought you weren't interested" I said, keeping my gaze straight ahead.

"Are you like British or something?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm from England" I answered, looking down at my schedule. The history room is in 107. I scanned the tops of the doors looking for it. I had no idea where I was going.

"Hey, Crumpet, to get to the history room, you have to turn down those stairs that you just missed" Jordan said.

"Don't call me that" I said, turning around and going down the stairs.

"Why not? I think it suits you pretty well" he said, laughing. I spotted 107 a few doors down and I quickly walked there.

"Thanks for all your help" I said to Jordan before turning into the room.

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