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• Jordan's POV •

I knew that it was a risk to sneak out tonight but there was no way in hell that I was missing Will's last night here. I pulled into his driveway and climbed up the side of the house. I wasn't extremely graceful. I hadn't really thought it through. After a bit of a struggle, I finally got to Will's window and I tapped on it, causing it open slightly.

"Will?" I whispered. I heard shuffling inside and then the window swung open and Will's lips were on mine. He helped me step through the window and I could see the sparkle in Will's eyes even in the dark. The moonlight shone down on his face, making him look beautiful. I stared at him for a few moments, taking it all in.

"Our last night," he said quietly. There was a pause before I put my lips back on his. I didn't want to talk about him leaving. I wanted to love him. I laid him back gently on his bed and climbed on top of him. One more night? Better make it last. I pulled off his shirt and he paused to smile at me, caressing my cheek gently. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you," I said, leaning back down to connect our lips once again. I took off my shirt and unbuttoned his pants, tugging them off of his hips.

As I rocked my hips into his, I noticed that his cheeks were wet. I hadn't even noticed that I was crying too. I closed my eyes and continued. All I thought about was how this was the last time in a very long time that this would happen. Tears fell from under my eyelids and dripped onto Will's bare chest. I tried to make the moment last.


"Are you asleep?" I whispered. I was facing the window and Will's arms were wrapped around me from behind, his face tucked into my neck.

"I'm wide awake," he answered, tickling my neck with his hot breath. The sky was starting to lighten up and our time was starting to run out. I turned over so that I was face to face with him.

"The morning after prom I woke up like this," I explained softly. "You were this close to me but you were asleep. I wondered if I actually had feelings for you. That was one of the key moments that I had to figure out. I was going to kiss you then but I got too nervous," I said. He let out a small laugh.

"I was going to kiss you after breakfast but I didn't think you liked me the way that I liked you," he said. We both laughed together as I looked into his eyes, his arms wrapped around my body.

"When are you coming back to visit?" I asked. His smile turned to a frown.

"I don't know," he answered truthfully.

"I don't want you to go," I said, barely above a whisper. I heard my own voice crack which made the tears start flowing. Will pulled me close to him and I buried my face into his chest. "Please don't go,"

"You know I have to," he responded.

"You don't," I whined into his chest. He squeezed me.

"Jordan," he said. I knew that he had to go. I didn't want it to happen. I put my ear close to his chest so I could listen to his heartbeat once more. If there was one moment that I wanted to live forever in my memory, it's this one with our arms and legs tangled together and his heartbeat loud in my ears. This is the one thing that will keep me going.

Ethereal - a kiani auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें