fifty eight

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• Jordan's POV •

Once I got dressed and walked downstairs, I saw that Will was placing scrambled eggs on the table and I smiled. I sat down behind my plate across from Will.

"Scrambled eggs," I said, my smile growing wider. "I made these for you after Prom. That morning was so awkward with you wearing my-"

"Jordan?" Will interrupted. He looked a little shaken up. My smile faded and I reached out and put my hand into Will's. He wasn't even looking at me.

"Yeah?" I asked. I was a little scared of what he was going to say.

"I got a letter," he said. My mind flew to a million different possibilities.

"From who?" I asked. Will stayed silent for a minute. "From who?" I insisted. He took a deep breath.

"My mum applied to a college back in Seattle for me and I just got the letter today and I don't want to open it because I don't know what I want yet and I don't know if I should risk it and go back to Seattle or go to a school here that I've wanted to go to my whole life and I don't want to get my hopes up and then see that I wasn't even accepted into anything and I don't know what to do," he rambled, getting more upset the more he talked. I tugged on his hand and he stood up so that I could pull him around the table and onto my lap. He wrapped his arms around me and he snuggled his face into my neck, his legs straddling me and the chair. I wrapped my arms around his torso and gave him a squeeze.

"No matter what you decide, it'll be the right decision. You just have to trust yourself," I said. He leaned back so that he could look at me and there were tears in his eyes.

"The truth is that I want to go back to Seattle so bad. I want to be with my mum and I want to be able to see you every day. But what if I didn't even get in?" He asked. I wiped away the single tear that had begun to fall. His face was in my hands already so I pulled him towards me and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Let's open it together," I said quietly. Will sighed but then nodded, standing up to grab a few envelopes out of a cabinet.

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