twenty three

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• Will's POV •

I couldn't sleep. I could not even begin to drift into unconsciousness while Jordan was here. He, however, was soundly asleep. He fell asleep in jeans and a tshirt. I was in comfortable clothes at least. But I still couldn't sleep. Maybe it was how his head was resting on my chest, directly over my heart. Or maybe it was the way that his arms pulled me close to him even in his sleep. Jordan's words from earlier ran through my mind again and again as I stared into the darkness. I just kept thinking that this might be the last time I'll get to hold him for awhile and I didn't want to lose a single second. I think I have to tell him tomorrow. Maybe it's for the better if we broke up now. He wouldn't have to get in a massive fight with his parents and neither of us would have to deal with the pain. I could feel Jordan breathing underneath my fingertips. I don't think I closed my eyes once that entire night.


It was pretty early when Jordan woke up, nearly 5 am. I pretended to just be waking up too. He gave me a small smile as he stretched, his hair falling down over his eyes.

"Good morning," he said, his voice husky. It made my stomach erupt with butterflies.

"I like your morning voice," I said quietly. He smiled and reached up to kiss me. Okay, maybe I could tell him later.

"Thanks for letting me stay here last night," he said, playing with my hair. He was lying almost completely on top of me, our faces close enough that I could feel his breath on my face.

"I wish you would stay here every night," I said. He smiled. We sat in silence for a few seconds, just looking at one another. I let out a laugh. "Do you want something for breakfast?" I asked. He nodded.

"I can make us some pancakes," he said. I shook my head.

"You cooked for me after prom. I'm cooking for you this time," I said.

"Let me helpppp," he whined, sticking out his bottom lip.

"Fine," I said, smiling while I rolled my eyes. "You kinda have to get off of me first," I added, giggling a bit.

"No," Jordan said, wrapping himself around me with a squeeze. I don't think I've ever felt this great. But as I started to feel great I remembered not to get too attached. I'll tell him after school. I can enjoy my time until then.

"Move, dork," I said, shifting him off of me. He laughed as I stood up.

"You wouldn't happen to have anything I can wear to school today, do you?" He asked. We both started laughing as I walked over to my closet to see what I could find.

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