fifty five

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• Will's POV •

"I'm really glad you're here," I said as Jordan took a bite of his pizza. He smiled at me and grabbed my hands over the table as he finished chewing.

"I'm really glad that I can actually touch you," he responded, running his thumb over my fingers.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too, more than anything," he answered. I brought his hands up to mind and placed a little kiss on them before we continued eating.


It was a pretty successful day. I showed Jordan around the city that I grew up in and everything that I loved about this place. My love seeing the things I love. We decided to head home after we finished eating our pizza. We were both kinda tired from driving around all day.

My dad's car wasn't in the driveway when I pulled in and there was a note on the table.

At Jamie's for dinner. Should be home around 8.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was still only 5. I looked at Jordan and he seemed to have the same idea that I did because he pushed me lightly against the wall as his body and lips pressed into mine. His hips pushed forward and a small moan came from my throat and Jordan smiled.

"Looks like we're going international" he whispered in my ear. His hot breath sent goosebumps to my skin and he started to kiss down my neck. It had been so long since I got to feel Jordan. It felt like I was finally being rejuvenated. My eyes opened as Jordan tugged at the bottom of my shirt before ripping it off. I picked Jordan up and his legs went around my waist as I started to leave a trail of kisses on his chest. I set him down on my kitchen table, pushing the placemats onto the floor. My dad's note slid off slightly and I hopped onto the table with Jordan as well. I was starting to get irritated by our jeans and so I pulled his off and smiled at Jordan lying on the table. He looked so beautiful. But then he pulled me back on top of him and my mouth went to his skin once again.


We laid together on the couch, a movie playing, and our shirts still on the kitchen floor. The movie's volume was down quite low but it didn't really matter because we weren't watching it. Our lips were dancing together slowly and I can't remember a time I have ever been this happy.

"Will?" My dad called as he walked through the door. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:12. How did we lose track of so much time? I sprung up and into the kitchen, hoping to grab our shirts and clean it up a bit before my dad came in. I tossed Jordan's shirt to him as we picked up the placemats and set them back. My dad walked through as Jordan was putting his shirt back on and he smiled at both of us.

"Hey, boys, what have you guys been up to today?" He asked. I glanced over at Jordan and saw that he had a dark spot on his neck that was sticking out from under his shirt and I blushed a little bit.

"I took him around the city," I answered, running my fingers through my hair, trying to hide the fact that my cheeks were getting pinker by the second. "We're probably just gonna go watch a movie or something," I said, trailing off. I grabbed Jordan's hand and began pulling him towards the stairs.

"Alright but Will?" He said. I turned around and looked at him. "Your shirt is inside out,"

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