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• Jordan's POV •

I sat on the countertop in the bathroom, swinging my legs as I waited for Will to finish peeing. He kept giggling and telling me to leave so that he could go in peace but I stayed, admiring him.

"I hate you," he said, running his hands under the water. I scooted closer to his sink so that my leg was touching him.

"No you don't," I said. A smile spread across both of our faces. I could feel a slight blush on my cheeks from just thinking about what just happened. Will dried his hands with some paper towels and as he tossed it into the trash can, I pulled him back to me with my legs.

"What does this make us?" I asked. His face was only a few inches from my own and my legs were wrapped around his waist.

"Um," he mumbled, not breaking eye contact. "I mean," he added. I placed another kiss on his mouth, a soft one this time, barely brushing his lips. "Do we need a label? I hate labels," he said.

"I guess not. The only label I want is yours" I said. I felt cheesy for saying it but it was true. I wanted to be Will's.

"We can make that happen," he said, the corner of his mouth turning up into a smile.


Will and I made out in the bathroom a bit more before we actually went to eat our food. By that time, I realized that there was no way in hell that we would make it back to school in time.

"We can still try, right?" Will asked. He was twiddling his thumbs nervously in the passenger seat. I was going to suggest ditching school altogether and just going to do something else but I could see how nervous he was.

"Yeah, of course," I said, pulling out of the parking lot. We had two minutes until the bell rang and at least a five minute drive. But I didn't want to worry Will so I just drove as quickly as I could.

"The bell already rang," Will said, a few minutes later.

"Why don't we just ditch school?" I asked.

"Because I've been there a day and I'm already behind enough," he answered. I sighed but kept driving towards school.


Will and I both had math after lunch. And we both had to walk in late together. We handed our passes to the teacher and sat down but I could feel everyone's eyes on us.

"Running a little late at lunch, boys?" The teacher asked. I bit my lip and looked over at Will, a pinkness spreading over his cheeks.

"It won't happen again," Will said. I hope it will, I thought as I walked back to my seat. I heard a few giggles and wanted to join in. I felt giddy and wonderful. I could still feel Will in my arms and his hands running down my body. I looked over at him, a blush spreading on my cheeks this time.

After school? Will texted me. I looked up at him. He was looking towards the front of the room but his phone was on his lap and a smile was on his face.

My house, I texted back.

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