thirty five

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• Will's POV •

"What's going to happen when you move back to England?" Jordan asked. He was wrapped in my arms and I was tracing the tattoos on his bicep with my fingers, grazing it ever so softly. I looked into his eyes when he asked me. He didn't seem worried or scared, his eyes were soft and questioning.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. It scared me to think about it. I can't imagine not being able to see Jordan every day. I can't imagine not being able to hold him.

"Do you think we're going to break up?" He asked. My heart started to race. Jordan cupped my face and kissed me softly. "I can hear your heart pounding out of your chest, it's okay," he reassured me. I smiled at him. Of course he was listening to my heart.

"I don't want to break up," I answered. "Like ever," I added. He squeezed me and rested his head back on my chest.

"Do you think we can do long distance?" He asked.

"I think we can do anything,"


I looked at myself in the mirror as the shower water warmed up. I've felt a strange new sense of confidence since I've met Jordan. Things that I used to pick out about myself and hate, I didn't really notice anymore. I smiled at myself in the mirror and then let out a little laugh. Jordan is making me insane, I'm smiling at myself in the mirror. As soon as I was about to step into the shower, the door opened a bit and Jordan slid in, closing it behind him. I was completely naked and a little horrified. I covered up my bottom half with my hands.

"Jordan!" I said but he smiled at me and walked closer, putting his finger to my lips to quiet me.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before," he said with a smirk. A blush crept onto my cheeks and he kissed me. He took off his shirt and kissed me again. "We keep getting interrupted," he growled into my ear. My eyes slid closed as his still clothed bottoms got dangerously close.

"My mum is home," I said breathily, Jordan looked kinda hot with the bruise on his face. I could picture him fighting and I bit my lip.

"Then we better stay quiet," he said, yanking off his jeans. I pulled him by the hand into the shower with me and he pressed me against the wall, deepening the kiss immediately. The hot water hit Jordan's shoulders and back and ran in between our bodies. We were pressed together as Jordan left kisses down my neck, sucking on a spot for a few extra seconds, making a moan escape my mouth. He looked up at me and smiled and then kneeled down slowly, leaving a trail of kissing along the way.

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