fifty nine

691 39 6

• Will's POV •

My hands were shaking as I took the envelopes out of the cabinet. I set them on the table before sitting down. Our eggs were still on the table but I couldn't even think about eating. I grabbed the first envelope to a college here in England. Jordan gave me a small nod and I opened it.

We're sorry to inform you...

I closed the letter and set it aside, shaking my head. I grabbed the next one and opened it.


I handed it to Jordan and he smiled.

"At least you got into one," he said. "There's no need to worry," I stared at the final, and most important, envelope still sitting on the table. I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Will you open it?" I asked quietly.

"Of course," he answered, picking up the envelope and carefully tearing open the top. If you don't get in, you'll probably break up with Jordan. You'll both be way too busy to stay up and talk to each other. It just won't work. It-


"He's waking up," I heard a voice say in the distance. My eyelids fluttered open and my head was pounding. I saw Jordan's beautiful face above me and a small smile spread across my face.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"You passed out," Jordan answered, brushing a few strands of loose hair from my face.

"I told you he'd be okay," my dad said.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked him.

"Jordan called me and said that he was worried about you," he said. Jordan's cheeks turned a little pink and he smiled, looking embarrassed. "I came home to sit with you guys until you woke up,"

"Thank you again," Jordan said and I let out a small giggle.

"You can go back to work now, Dad, I'm fine," I said, sitting up and taking the glass of water out of Jordan's hand.

"Alright, you boys have a nice day, I'll see you later tonight," he responded, getting up and walking back through the door.

"You've been up for less than five minutes and you're already stealing my drink," Jordan said with a smile as soon as the door closed. I returned the smile and handed him his glass back after I took a long sip. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, getting a bit more serious. I nodded.

"It was all just a lot," I said, pulling Jordan closer to me so that we could lay next to each other on the couch. Well, we weren't really lying next to each other, it was more like half of his body was squished on top of mine but I didn't mind. He turned his head so he could kiss me on the cheek and I felt his breath tickle my ear as he whispered,

"You got in,"

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