fifty four

825 48 25

• Jordan's POV •

I couldn't take my eyes off of Will as he drove. There was a small smile on his lips and his fingers were tangled with mine.

"Where are we going?" I asked. I could already see the sparkle in his eyes.

"I kind of planned the whole day already and I hope you don't mind but I just wanted to show you all of the places I used to go and enjoy before I moved," he explained. My smile grew wider and I gave his hand a small squeeze.

"I don't mind at all," I answered.


"Stop number one: roller blading," he said with a smile as he put the car in park.

"I don't know how to skate," I blurted with a laugh.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded. "We don't have to go if you don't want to, we can move on," he said, trailing off. I could see his excitement starting to dwindle and it broke my heart a little bit.

"No, let's go. You used to really love this place, right? You can help me," I responded and his face lit up again as he took off his seat belt.

"I love you," he said, placing a quick kiss on my lips before jogging over to my side of the car to open my door.

"What a gentleman," I said with a laugh. He smiled too.

"I'm just trying to get in your pants," he responded, lacing his fingers with mine. I hit him playfully on the shoulder as giggles bubbled out of our mouths.

"Well you could've just said that. We wouldn't even need to be here right now," I responded. He bit his lip as he looked at me.

"I am very tempted to take you back home now but I have this whole day planned and I think the anticipation will make it even better," he responded.

We walked to the counter and got our skates. I thanked the man as we walked away from the booth and slid them over our feet. I was a little terrified about skating. I just never learned how to do it. Will laced his up quickly and waited for me to finish. He then grabbed my hand and helped me up, my other one flying to the wall next to me. With the support of both of them, I managed to walk towards the opening. I was already exhausted and I could see that Will could tell because he was holding back a smile.

"Here," he said, grabbing my other hand too. He slowly rolled backwards so that we were on the floor and I started to freak out a little bit as I saw my skates moving across the floor. "Hey," Will said. "Look at me," I did as I was told and Will smiled. "Just keep your eyes on me,"

"Gladly," I responded and his smile grew bigger. We never broke eye contact but I could feel the floor rolling behind me with every second.

"See? You're doing it," Will said with a smile. I looked around and saw how fast we were going and it was actually pretty cool. Will held me steady as the wind rushed by us. I gave him a smile. I felt like I was flying. It was only a little different than how I normally felt with Will. "Here, try," he added and my heart beat started to pick up again. Will let go of one of my hands so that we were skating side by side. He was still there to help steady me and pull me along but I felt a bit more independent now. We swerved past couples and little kids and I felt so free. That is until I started to feel my feet slipping out from under me. My torso started to fall backwards and I braced myself for the fall. Except I didn't didn't fall. Will's arms were around me and he smiled.

"Did you just fall for me?" He asked with a smug grin.

"I did that a long time ago," I answered and he helped me back up to my feet as I placed a kiss on his mouth.

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