thirty four

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• Jordan's POV •

"Come inside, I'll help you get cleaned up," Will insisted. I shook my head again.

"I'm going to go over to Ethan's. I've spent enough time at your house. I feel awful for staying almost every night. I can't keep doing that to your mom," I explained.

"Jordan," he said, his eyes pleading. "I'm worried about you. I don't want you to go. Plus, my mum loves you," he persisted.

"I did grab some clothes," I said, trailing off. Am I really going to stay with Will yet again? "I feel bad," I added. Will grabbed my hand and looked at me desperately.

"Please," he asked simply. I could tell that he was worried, his hands were a little shaky.

"Okay," I answered. He smiled and leaned over the seat divider, grabbing my face in his hands. I winced when he touched the bruise. "I'm sorry," he said. I pulled him over the rest of the way so that he was straddling my lap in the driver's seat. He kissed me, careful not to touch the left side of my face. The cut on my lip was hurting but it was worth it if it meant that I was kissing Will. I slid my hands under his shirt, gliding my fingernails over the front of his torso. His eyes closed as he sucked in a breath, leaning back and causing the horn to sound. He sat up quickly, his eyes shooting open. We both started to laugh and he leaned his body forward so that all of his weight was resting on me, his head on my shoulder.

"I love you," he whispered into my ear. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I turned my head and placed a kiss on his temple.

"I love you, too," I answered, wrapping my arms around him. We sat that way for a few minutes and I couldn't have been happier. He sat up and looked at me.

"We should go in and see if we can do anything about the cut on your lip," he said. I nodded and his finger hovered above my lips. He gently brushed it against the cut and I flinched a little. "I'm sorry that this happened," he said. I kissed him in response.


I could hear Will explaining to his mom what happened as I sat in his bedroom. I don't think that he knew that I could hear him.

"Thank you for accepting us. Jordan needs that right now and I love him, Mum. I don't want to see him upset," Will said. My entire body got goosebumps and I couldn't keep the smile off of my face even though it hurt. I felt like I belonged here with Will. He proves himself to me again and again. He walked back into his room and smiled at me. "My mum said that you could stay as long as you needed to," he said. I nodded and pretended like I didn't already hear that.

"Thank you," I said as Will sat down on the bed next to me, wrapping me up in his arms.

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