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• Will's POV •

I turned onto Jordan's road and slowed down, glancing at all of the numbers on the houses. But then I saw Jordan standing outside and I let out a little gasp. He smiled at me and then looked down at his phone. I drove to his driveway and his smile remained on his face as he walked around my car and opened the door to the passenger's seat. He looked great. His suit fit him well and his tie looked nice with his skin tone. Our ties were almost the same shade, just a little off. It kind of reminded me of us; the same, but a little off. Jordan climbed in and looked over at me, still smiling.

"Hey, Crumpet, you look great" he said. I rolled my eyes and tried not to smile but I failed. I was actually starting to become quite fond of that nickname.

"I need to come up with an offensive nickname for you too" I said. He let out a laugh.

"You'll think of one" he said.

"You look nice too" I said, quietly. I could see Jordan smile from out of the corner of my eye. "Okay, now please help me with directions" I said, causing our laughter to fill the car. It was a pleasant sound. For the first time since I've gotten to America, I felt like I belonged somewhere.


I hesitantly stepped out of the car, catching up with Jordan. Was it weird to go to prom with someone you barely know? Someone you barely like? The answer is yes. I tugged on the bottom of my suit jacket nervously. Jordan nudged me with his elbow lightly and gave me a small smile.

"I don't normally go to these kind of things" I said.

"Don't worry, everyone will be so caught up in their own experiences that they won't even give us a second look" he said. That reassured me a bit and we walked in together.


Jordan was right. A few of his friends came up to say hi to him but continued on with their dates. No one even mentioned me but I got a few polite smiles. It was exactly how I wanted it to be. Except there were a few people who stared at us. A group of freshmen girls giggled with each other as they looked.

"It's because we're hot" Jordan said with a laugh. "And because you're British" he added. I smiled at the group of girls and one of them let out a shriek while the others continued their giggling. I let out a laugh. I was actually starting to have a good time. "Do you want to dance?" Jordan asked.

"Dance?" I asked, taken aback a little. Jordan let out a laugh and nodded.

"Yes, dance" he said again, pulling me by my arm and to the dance floor. I shook my head the entire time.

"No, no, no, no, no," I protested but Jordan kept pulling me along and giggling. As soon as we stepped onto the dance floor, the music stopped and I felt extremely relieved.

"You're lucky!" Jordan said, still laughing.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen" a voice said over the speaker. "It's time to announce your prom king and queen" they said. Everyone in the auditorium clapped and cheered. Thank god for prom king and queen or else I would be being forced to dance right now. I looked over at Jordan and he rolled his eyes.

"Victoria nominated me" he explained.

"You're totally going to win" I said. He shook his head.

"I really don't want to. It's dumb anyways" he said but then the lady called his name and he went up on stage with the other nominees. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched him stand in a line of people.

"And the winners are..." The woman said. "Jordan and Victoria!" Jordan forced a smile as the crowd cheered and Victoria grabbed the crowns, placing one on Jordan's head after perfecting her own. Giggles bubbled out of me as I watched Jordan and Victoria walk down the stairs and into the center of the floor for their dance together. I made eye contact with Jordan while they were slow dancing which caused me to laugh even more. Jordan was trying to hold in his laughter but a few chuckles escaped his mouth.


I successfully avoided dancing for most of the night. Jordan pulled me onto the dance floor again and just danced around me while I bobbed around, pretending to be doing something. I have to admit, I did have fun. The night was drawing to a close and people were starting to leave. Jordan's suit jacket was off and he was carrying it as we went out to the car. A few of his buttons were undone, his tie was loose, and his sleeves were rolled up. A few pieces of his hair stuck to his damp forehead and I could see the outline of his tattoos through his shirt. His tanned skin was glowing in the moonlight. He looked amazing.

"I found out what I can call you" I said, holding back my laughter as I got into the car.

"Oh, great" Jordan said, smiling.

"Prom King" I said. Jordan looked at me and was silent for a second.

"Please don't" he said, a smile spreading across his face.

"Crumpet and Prom King ruling the world" I said, causing Jordan to laugh. It really felt good to laugh.

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