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• Jordan's POV •

I sat across the table from Will, eating the dinner that his mom had made us. She sat in the chair on the end.

"This is really great, thank you," I told her, taking another bite.

"You're welcome," she answered. I still felt warm inside from my nap with Will and I slid my foot over to his side of the table, touching his toes with mine. He smiled as he chewed, trying not to make it too obvious. I wrapped my feet around his leg, pulling it closer to me under the table. Soon we were both giggling uncontrollably and I wasn't even sure why. Will's mom looked at me and then Will, a suspicious smile on her face. "What?" She asked. I shook my head as I tried to stop my laughter.

"Nothing," I said. I hurried and took another bite so I didn't have to say anything else. Will smiled at me and then back at his mom.

"I think we're just enjoying each other's company a little too much," he said, letting out a laugh as he grabbed my hand over the table. She stood up with her now empty plate and placed it in the sink.

"Well I'll let you two enjoy your time," she said, starting to walk out of the room. She stopped right before she walked through the doorway, turning back around. "Just don't enjoy it too much," she said with a wink. I could feel my cheeks turning pink but I laughed when I saw Will's cheeks changing color too. He stood up and took my plate, putting it in the sink with his mom's. He skipped excitedly to my side of the table and grabbed my hands, pulling me up from my seat. I couldn't help but smile when I was with Will. He always brought so much joy into my life.

"Can I take a shower here? I need one," I asked as I followed him up to his room.

"No," Will said. I punched him playfully on the arm and he laughed. "The towels are in that closet there. You can use whatever you need in the bathroom," he said, pointing. I pressed up onto my toes and left a small kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you," I said, grabbing some towels and heading into the bathroom.

The entire time I showered, I thought of Will. I don't think he's left my mind once since prom. I loved him, I really loved him.


As I stepped out of the shower, I realized that I had forgotten my clothes in Will's room. It brought a smile and blush to my cheeks. I dried my hair a bit and then wrapped the towel around my waist. I walked into Will's room, grabbing my clothes and waiting nervously for his response. I turned around to see his reaction but his eyes were closed. A small smile remained on his lips. I let out a small laugh before heading back to the bathroom, changing into a pair of pajama pants that I had stored between the clothes I was wearing to school tomorrow. I thought about putting on my shirt and then just leaving it on tomorrow but then decided against it, I didn't need it. I walked back into Will's room to see his eyes still closed and a smile still on his face. I pulled the blanket up onto him and climbed into bed next to him, curling up to him under the blanket. He let out a small groan and pulled me close to him. I looked up at him and his eyes were open.

"You must be tired," I said softly.

"I love you," he answered. I smiled up at him. "I feel safe when you're here; I feel wanted and loved," he added. A small shiver ran down my spine as I stared into his beautiful brown eyes. He gave me a long, slow, passionate kiss that made every hair on my body stand up. It was the most meaningful kiss I've ever had with the boy that means the most in the world to me.

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