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• Will's POV •

I glanced into the kitchen to see the love of my life preparing dinner. We made eye contact as she set out a few plates and she smiled. Her smile still makes everything feel okay. Dinner smelled amazing as the scents floated throughout the entire house. The five year old twins, Evan and Emilia, ran through across the living room, giggles escaping their mouths as they played some form of tag. There is nothing greater than spending time with your family. I walked upstairs to check on the other kids. My knuckles tapped lightly on one of the doors.

"Ella?" I asked. "Dinner's almost ready," I waited for an answer but there was none. I turned the knob and walked inside, revealing Ella sprawled across the guest bed, tears in her eyes. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" I asked, sitting next to her. She wrapped her arms around me and sniffed a few times.

"My boyfriend broke up with me," she said. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before running my fingers through her hair.

"He wasn't the right one," I responded and she let out a sad laugh.

"That's for sure," she said. There were a few moments of silence. "How did you meet Grandpa?" She asked quietly. It immediately brought a smile to my face. There was a framed picture of Jordan and our daughter Lily sitting on the dresser next to us.

"Hang on," I told her, standing up and walking downstairs and into the living room where we had a few photo albums sitting. I looked through one for a second and found the picture I was looking for.

"Dinner's almost ready," Lily called from the kitchen.

"I'll get your father," I told her and walked back upstairs, picture frame in hand. I walked into our bedroom and watched as Jordan gently set a baby down into the crib. I smiled at him. Even after all these years, he still looked beautiful. "Lily says that dinner is almost ready," I speak quietly, careful not to wake the baby. Jordan jumps a bit and turns around with a smile.

"You scared me," he whispered, his usual sparkle in his eyes. "What's that?" He asked, his eyes going to the picture.

"I'm showing it to Ella," I answered, holding it up. "She asked how we met,"

"Wow," he whispered, his eyes dancing over the picture. It was picture from prom night, our senior year. We were both smiling and dancing. This was a candid photo that we found in the yearbook a few months after we moved back to Seattle.

"Prom king and Crumpet," I said, giggling.

"Who would have thought?" He said, still admiring the picture. We both looked so happy. I gave Jordan a small kiss on the mouth and then started out the door.

"Get the grandkids ready for dinner, will you?" I asked. He nodded.

"Love you," he called.

"Love you," I responded, blowing a kiss and walking back into Ella's room. When she looked at me this time, her tears were gone but her eyes were still puffy. I handed her the picture of Jordan and I as I fidgeted with the ring on my left hand. Ella smiled as she looked at it.

"We weren't even dating then," I told her as she looked at it. She glanced up at me.

"Then how did you two start dating?" She asked.

"Well," I answered. "It all started with a bet,"


Thank you all for the overwhelming support on this story. I'm very glad you all enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to hearing what you thought about the entire story in the comments <3 thanks so much for reading even though the updates have been a little scattered. I hope to see you all actively supporting my stories in the future :)

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