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• Will's POV •

I had a great time, thanks for coming I typed out to Jordan. I hesitated over the send button. Did that seem stupid? I just wanted to talk to him again. My thumb hit the button without me thinking it through and I cursed myself as I watched it being delivered.

I did too. Your mom is so nice. I really enjoyed talking with you both he said.

Thanks for not being an asshole in front of my mum

Sure thing, Crumpet he sent. I actually laughed a little bit. I didn't really mind that nickname anymore. Sorry. He sent right after. Sorry? He's never apologized before. I think we're taking steps in a good direction.

I texted Jordan all night. We talked about Victoria and our parents and our favorite vacations and everything. It was nice. The last thing I remember talking about was prom.


"Willlllllll," my mum sang. I opened my eyes but immediately closed them again as the sun flooded into my room as she pulled open my curtains.

"What are you doing?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. My phone was sitting next to me on the bed.

"You have prom tonight" she said simply.

"Tonight," I said. She laughed. "What time is it?"

"Nine thirty" she said.

"I'm not even leaving for another seven hours" I groaned.

"I thought we could go out to breakfast or do something together today" she said. I turned over and buried my face in my pillow.

"Can't we get breakfast at one?" I asked. I could feel her sitting on the end of my bed. "Please, just let me sleep. I was up late" I smiled thinking about it. It was nice to get to know Jordan. I hadn't said goodbye last night. I fell asleep. I grabbed my phone and looked at my messages.

It's going to be a lot of fun
I'm excited
My mom wanted me to go with Victoria
I'm assuming you went to sleep haha
I'll see you tomorrow :)

I wish I would have stayed up later. Who knows when asshole Jordan could be back? I wish I would've learned more about him last night. I yawned.

"It's too early for your mother but not too early for your phone?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Can I please just sleep for a few more hours?" I asked.

"No, get up. We're going to breakfast" she said, leaving my room. I groaned but got up and slipped on some clothes. I guess I'm going to breakfast.

Ethereal - a kiani auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora