Christmas.. IN JULY???

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Angel: *watching various My Chemical Romance concert videos on YouTube at dinner*

Gerard: This band.. *points to fellow band members while looking at crowd* is my fucking life.

Angel: AHAHAHA AHAHA AHAHAHAHA *continues forced laughter while feeling heart shatter into a million pieces*

Slender, Toby, Liu, and LJ: *stop eating and stare at her in confusion*

Angel: *had started sobbing hysterically while yelling about how it was just an idea and "no my dear, that chapter is done" repeatedly*

Nikki and Kameron: *continue eating as if this were normal*

*computer dings three times*

Angel: *goes onto Wattpad and checks the dares* ALRIGHT, FUCKERS. *has tears still streaming down face* ITS GONNA BE A SHORT DAY TODAY, SO LETS HURRY THE FUCK UP SO I CAN GO BACK TO MOURNING OVER THE BREAKUP OF MCR!

Nikki: *yells higher than her* BITCH, STOP YELLING.

Angel: *yells even higher* NEVER.

Jeff: *screams like a fucking banshee* COULD YOU JUST PLEASE READ THE STUPID COMMENTS.

Angel: *narrows eyes at Jeff* Well, what got your panties in a twist?

Jeff: -_-

Angel: Anyways, the first comment was a dare for Toby, saying that he had to jump from the roof like Batman, crash in through JB's house, and say, "Hey, sexy."

Kameron: Which JB?

Angel: I have no idea..

BEN: What do you mean? There's only one name JB stands for!

Angel: That's not true! There's Justin Bieber, Jack Barakat, Jack Black..

BEN: -_- I'm pretty sure she means Justin Bieber.

Toby: Is that all for the dare? *twitches*

Liu: *looks at the comment from where he sat (it was just right next to her but anyway)* It also says you gotta wear a speedo.

Angel: Where does it say that? *scrolls through comments and looks at Liu*

Liu: *points a random spot on the screen* Right there, see? *winks at Angel when no one was looking*

Angel: *gets the idea* Ohh. I see it! *tries not to laugh*

Toby: What?! *gets up* Let me see!

Angel: *closes computer* No.

Toby: Why? *twitches*

Angel: *hugs computer to chest* Because it's my computer..

Toby: Angel..

Angel: Toby pls.

Jeff: What are the other dares?

Angel: *opens the computer once Toby sits back down* Nikki dared Slendy to dress up as Pinky Pie from My Little Pony..

Sally: *squeals* I love MLP!!!

Angel: *smiles at Sally* Jeff, Toby, BEN, Masky, and Hoodie gotta dress in drag.

Hoodie: What's drag?

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