EJ and Fangirls

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EJ: *snoring loudly on the couch*

Annabel and Nikki: *wearing earmuffs to block out the snoring as the computer dings* O-O *glance at each other* ..... *tackle each other to see who gets the computer first*

Nikki: Bitch, get the f*ck off!

Annabel: Bitch, that is my computer we're fighting for! *jumps for the computer only to be grabbed by the ankle and get slammed down onto the floor*

Nikki: Not on my watch! *starts fighting with Annabel*

Annabel: *fights back*

Jeff: *walks in and sees the girls fighting* It just never ends, does it? *grabs the computer and reads the question* Guys, if you two are done, @EliseMestasdiNingrat asked a question for EJ.

Nikki: *freezes as she was about to punch Annabel while still holding her hair*

Annabel: *freezes while she was about to kick Nikki in the leg while still biting her*

Jeff: *takes one look at them* Jesus, if I didn't come along then you both would've killed each other!

Nikki and Annabel: *rolls eyes* Just read the question, stupid.

Jeff: Fine. It says, "Sup guys! I have a question for EJ! Why do ya like kidneys? Also dif I mention I was a fan girl?"

EJ: *jumps at the word "fan girl"* AAH! FAN GIRL?! WHERE?!?! *falls off couch*

Annabel: Sorry, EJ kinda has this... fear of fan girls. Anyways...

Nikki: Answer the damn question, woman!

Jeff: ...... *whispers kinda loudly to EJ* She was talking to YOU!

EJ: Huh? Oh, right! Well, I like kidneys because I just..... actually.... now that I think of it... why do I like kidneys? *thinks about it*

Annabel: Well, I guess not even the person that eats kidneys doesn't even know why himself!

Nikki: That is just sad...

Annabel: Well, that is all the time-


Voice from above: AAH! Look out!

Jeff: AAAA- *gets hit by something and falls down*

Person: Yep, that's gonna leave a mark! *gets up and looks down at where she landed* Woops! Sorry! Here. *holds out hand to Jeff*

Jeff: *takes their hand and gets hauled up* Thanks... uhh... who are you?

Person: Oh, me? Well, I'm-

Annabel: CIARA!!! *hugs her*

Ciara: Yep! I'm Ciara! Sup, Annabel?

Annabel: Nothin' much! How did you find me?!

Ciara: Well, we do live near a forest with an old house in the middle of it. And I have been following this story so, it really wasn't that hard. So, I just decided to drop by.

*the sound of drums in background plays as if when someone makes a really bad joke*

Nikki: -_- Really, BEN? Really?

BEN: *puts drumsticks away* Sorry ^///^

Annabel: Well, I guess you could be a part of this book, if you like!

Ciara: Totally! And, also... *whispers* that Jeff guy is really cute, by the way.

Annabel: *glances at Jeff then at Ciara* Yeah, did you hit your head too hard when you fell?

Ciara: *laughs*

Nikki: Okay, well, I guess we better end it here! Cya later mah peoples! Peace!

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