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Jeff and Ciara: *cuddling on the couch*

BEN: *looks at them. holding an ice pack on his black eye and fakes a gag* Never thought I'd see Jeff actually have a girlfriend... or that Hoodie could throw a punch... Ouch.

Nikki: *walks downstairs* And, I never thought one little screw up would break the hearts of two innocent people... *sits down on the couch, resting head on BEN's lap*

Jeff: *looks at BEN* Well, you pretty much deserve being beaten up by Hoodie, considering the fact that your little "act" made him look like a player towards Annabel.

Ciara: Yeah. And because of that little mixup, Annabel probably mostly sees me as a traitor. I am, like, her best friend and after she saw Hoodie and I kissing when she told me how important he was to her, I don't think she would trust me as much as she used to anymore.

BEN: Why is everyone pointing fingers at me? Nikki was also a part of the mistletoe plan!

Nikki: Hey, I only did it so I could get Annabel to kiss Hoodie. That's the only reason why-

*computer dings*

Nikki: Oh blarg... *checks dare* Oh, I forgot about this dare!

Jeff: What dare?

Nikki: I dared Annabel to come out of her room so I could explain everything that happened yesterday to her.

Ciara: Can I come? I really need to talk to her.

Nikki: Okay! Now, off to Annabel's room! *runs to Annabel's room*

Ciara: *follows*

Annabel: *sitting on her bed, crying and playing rock music at full blast*

Nikki: *knocks on door* Annabel?! Someone dared you to come out of your room and talk to me!!

Annabel: *still crying* G-GO AWAY!!!!

Nikki: Come on, Annabel! I gotta explain what really happened when Hoodie and Ciara kissed!

Ciara: Make sure to tell her everything from beginning to end.

Nikki: Okay...

Annabel: ...... *unlocks the door, pulling Nikki into her room* W-what is it that you needed to explain? There is nothing to explain! I saw Hoodie and Ciara kiss! End of story!

Nikki: Dude, there is more to that story that you don't know! *explains the entire to Annabel*

Annabel: S-so... you and BEN....

Nikki: Yeah, we-


Ciara: *yells through door* Okay, I hear screaming! Did she get mad at what I told you to say, Nikki?!

Annabel: Wait, you were covering for Ciara?! Nice! Just FAHKING nice!!

Nikki: B-but-

Annabel: Get out!! GET OUT!!!! *pushes Nikki out of the room and slams the door shut, starting to cry again*

Nikki: *glares at Ciara* Out of all times to ask, you had to choose this time?

Ciara: Oops...

Nikki: *rolls eyes* Well, that's it eveyone... see you in the next chapter...

Annabel: *puts music on full blast to block out everyone outside her door*

Ciara: *glances at Annabel's door and looks down at the ground* Bye....

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