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Curiosity: *runs into kitchen* Morning, everyone!

Everyone: *sitting at the table for breakfast and having the worst hangover ever*

BEN: *groans and rubs head* Please don't shout.

Andrea: Never have I ever drank so much.

Curiosity: And that's the perk of having morals. *sits at table besides Toby*

Jeff: We got morals.

EJ: We just choose to ignore them every once in a while for a night of fun.

*computer dings 6 times*

Everyone except Curiosity: *groan as migraines worsen*

Annabel: *gets out of chair and walks to living room to grab computer* Okay, guys, we got dares to do. *reads through comments* Okay, Slender and Kameron were dared to go on their honeymoon that the Slender Bros will pay for.

Offender: When was this established?!

Nikki: Just now by me! He's your older brother! It's the least you could do.

Annabel: I thought Offender was older?

Nikki: I don't know who came out of the vagina first, okay? I didn't witness their birth to know!

Annabel: Was there even a vagina that was to be come out of? Like what if it was just a case of "Abracadabra doo! I give birth to you!"

Nikki: *turns to the Slender Bros* Were your parents an octopus and a human?

Slender Bros: -_-

Annabel: We shall discuss this later! But before Slender and Kameron go off on their little honeymoon, we were all dared to have a paint ball war! And we shall have that at the picnic near the lake we're having later on!

Luna: Since when were we going to have a picnic at the lake?

Annabel: Now because we were dared to have one for the 4th of July!

Masky: Since when was it the 4th of July?

Annabel: How much did you all drink last night?

Krystal: Plenty.

Midnight: *slams head on table* Quit your chitchatting before I start bitch slapping.

Luna: You were the one that took 20 shots of tequila in one go.

Midnight: *looks up* At least my liver is still functioning properly. *slams head back on table*

Annabel: Anyways! Since those are all big dares, we're starting with the simpler ones. So there are three dares. Jeff was dared to give Jane a piggyback ride and later get drunk together.

Jane and Jeff: WHAT?!

Jane: I'd rather slam my tongue with a car door.

Jeff: Yeah, I'd rather push her in front of a bus.

Liu: Shouldn't you be the one to jump in front of a bus?

Jeff: It's not an expression. I genuinely want to push Jane in front of a bus.

Jane: I'm right here!

Jeff: I know.


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