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Everyone but Hoodie: *standing outside of Annabel's room, trying to apologize through the door*

**inside Annabel's room**

Hoodie: *staring at the door* When do you think they're gonna give up?

Annabel: *shrugs* Who knows? *realizes something* Wait, I just noticed that... you didn't stutter? *looks at him confused*

Hoodie: Well, I guess that's just how comfortable I am around you. *smiles*

Annabel: *smiles and hugs Hoodie* You're the best friend a girl could ever have, you know that?

Hoodie: *blushes but hugs back* Thanks, Annabel. You're-

*computer dings from dresser*

Annabel: Sorry, hold that thought. *runs to computer and reads it*

Hoodie: What does it say?

Annabel: Well, it's from @EliseMestadaNingrat. She said, "Sorry guys! And anabel! I dare ya to come out of your room. I didn't want ya to say there name. Just a yes or no. Thanks!"

Hoodie: Okay, @EliseMestadaNingrat, it wasn't your fault whatsoever,  so you really don't have to be apologizing.

Annabel: Yeah, if anything, it was the other's fault. And I know you didn't want me to say their name but, like I said, it was the other's fault because they kept asking millions of questions.

Hoodie: So, just remember you are not the one to blame. *stands up* So, ready to step out into the outside world? *smirks*

Annabel: *rolls eyes playfully* Yeah, I guess.

Hoodie: Fantastic. *slips on his mask* Let's go. *opens the door*

Others: *tumble over and face plant at the foot of the door*

Jeff: Next time, let's NOT try eavesdrop on a conversation.

Annabel and Hoodie: *rolls eyes and walk downstairs*

Annabel: Well, that's all for this chapter everyone!

Hoodie: *nods in agreement*

Annabel: So, we'll see you all next time on...

Hoodie and Annabel: *end up teleporting in random places of the living room doing weird poses and saying in a Pewdiepie voice* CreepyPasta Question and Dare Boooook!!!!

Annabel: Bye! *brofist*

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