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Angel: *standing on top of a giant boulder with arm stretched out to the sky, trying to get signal on phone*

Hoodie: *walks out of tent and sees Angel* What the hell are you doing?

Angel: *screams out of surprise and almost slips off the rock* Don't do that! You scared me!

Hoodie: *chuckles and climbs on top of the rock behind her* Trying to get signal?

Angel: Well, duh! Everyone on Wattpad is probably wondering why I'm not texting them back!

*phone dings twice*

Angel: *gasps excitedly* I got it! *foot slips on rock* AH!

Hoodie: *reflexes kick in and grabs her wrist and slips arm around her waist to keep her from falling off*

Angel: *looks up at Hoodie, realizes how he's holding her and blushes* Um...

Hoodie: *realizes too and blushes, pulling her so she can stand completely on the rock* I-I'm sorry. (TBT TO WHEN HOODIE WAS SHY AND STUTTERED LIKE 25/8 LMAO)

Angel: N-No, it's okay! Thank you.

*cue awkward silence*

Hoodie: S-So, you got signal?

Angel: Yeah! Some dares just came in along with a question.

Hoodie: Good! That's good...

Angel: *tries to think of something to say and fails miserably* I should go and call everyone else. Y'know to announce the plans for today.

Hoodie: Oh, yeah! S-Sure. Go ahead.

Angel: *slowly climbs off the rock and walks to the center of their campsite* WAKE UP EVERYONE!!! WE GOT DARES TO DO!!!!

*absolutely no one moves*

Angel: *sighs* Looks like we're doing this the hard way. *grabs a pan from the top of an ice chest and a stick, inhaling deeply while banging on the pan* WAKE UP YOU SONS O'BITCHES!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!

Jeff: *throws a rock and hits Angel upside the head* SHUT UP!!! I'M TRYING TO GET MY 12 HOURS OF BEAUTY SLEEP!!!

Angel: You might wanna shoot for 13.

Jeff: -_-

Toby: *crawls out of tent, tripping over feet and face planting onto the floor* Angel, it's noon. *twitches* People are trying to sleep... *yawns and dozes off*

Angel: *kicks Toby upside the head*

Toby: *lifts up head with eyes still closed* You forget that I'm basically resistant to pain.

Ciara: *crawls out of tent and stretches* Man, I slept like a baby!

Liu: *pops neck and back* Well, lucky you! At least you got a mattress to sleep on.

Masky: It was your idea to leave the beds behind in the lake!

LJ: I would've preferred a wet mattress than rocks honestly.

Slender: *crawls out of Kameron's tent and yawns*

Everyone: *stare at Slender in either shock or confusion*

Slender: What?

Angel: ... ANYWAYS. We got two new comments today, so I think it's going to be a relatively short day.

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