Mistakes??? O-O

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Angel: *sitting on the couch and pouting while looking down at herself/himself* Really? Why do I gotta look like Ren Suzugamori from Cardfight!! Vanguard? *grabs a lock of hair and examines it* I got the hair... *looks down at hands* ... the skin... the eyes! If I were ever able to go to Cardfight!! Vanguard, I could easily pass off as Ren.

Kameron: *jumps from behind the couch* Why are you complaining? That's awesome!

Angel: Well, you and the others look better. You look like Lavi from D-Gray Man, Ciara looks like Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!!, Nikki looks like Yukio Okumura from Ao no Exorcist, and Andrea looks like Marcus Damon from Digimon.

Kameron: So?

Angel: They are some of my anime crushes!

Kameron: Really? I thought you like L "Ryuuzaki" Lawliet from Death Note and Black☆Star from Soul Eater?

Angel: Oh, I do. They're still at the top of mah list for hottest anime boys.

Kameron: *face palms* I always question why you like Black☆Star...

*ze computer dings*

Angel: I got it! *dives for le computer* Got it! *grabs computer and reads le comment on Wattpad* Woops! Heh... EJ isn't gonna like this... *anime sweat drops*

Kameron: What? What happened?

Angel: Remember when EJ had to do the chicken dance?

Kameron: ... You read it wrong, didn't you?

Angel: Heh... Sorry?

Kameron: *face palms and laughs* Nice going, stupid.

Angel: *sticks out tongue* Whatever. I'll go tell him. *leaves room*

Nikki: *comes out of nowhere* Hey.

Kameron: *turns around to face Nikki* Wow. Angel was right. You do look like Yukio.

Nikki: Who now?

Kameron: Never mind. I'll explain later.

Nikki: *shrugs* Okay. Whatever you say.

Kameron: You know what's weird? We look like anime characters but, then there's them. *refers to le CPs*

Nikki: *looks down at self* I look like an anime dude?

Kameron: Yep.

Nikki: Oh! That's what you were talking-

Angel: AAH!!! *runs into room with EJ chasing her with a frying pan* I SAID I WAS SORRY!!!!


Angel: AAH!!!! *runs faster*

Nikki and Kameron: *watch as EJ chases Angel*

Angel: *digs around in pocket for something to throw at EJ* Come on. Come on! *grabs a few throwing stars and takes them out* Got it! *turns around to face EJ and runs backwards, throwing the throwing stars*

EJ: *skids to a stop as some throwing stars hit him* Ow! Ow! Okay! Okay! Stop! *curls up in a ball and covers head* I surrender! Stop! Ow!

Angel: *stops throwing le throwing stars* Man, I should have done that a long time ago. *puts throwing stars away* Nikki, can you go get LJ?

LJ: *was sitting on le recliner in le living room the entire time* Don't worry, I already know what I gotta do. *gets a chicken mask out of nowhere and puts it on head, turning to le others* I'm ready, motherf*ckers. *somehow puts on shades over le mask, looking like one badass chicken*

Kameron: TOTAL BADASS!!!! XD

LJ: *puts on rest of chicken costume and sassy snaps* Music, people!

Nikki: *laughs and turns on music, taking out video recorder as well* Go!

LJ: *starts dancing (I think at this point I should say that LJ talks like Ricky Dillon from O2l and acts like him. If you don't know who he is, search him up. You'll see what LJ sounds like XD)* Yeeeeeesss!!! >:3

Le others: *laugh*

*le song ends*

LJ: *le sassy snaps* Like a boss. >:3

Angel: *laughs* Okay! Well, that's all for today. Comment your questions and dares down below and we'll see ya later. LJ, take it away!

LJ: Finally! *rips off shirt, showing abs and muscles* Yezum! *snaps after every syllable spoken in his sentence and ends up in different moments while doing a weird pose at the same time like Ricky Dillon* O-kay, guys. See ya la-ter!

Okay, sorry this was short. I'm trying to update as much as possible before the weekend is over so I may only do one or two dares in a chapter. Sorry if you were expecting more.

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