"Hatred" Begins With "H"...... and So Does "Hoodie" >:]

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Everyone but Hoodie, Hisoka, and Annabel: *eating dinner at the table in awkward silence*

Hoodie: *walks in through front door holding Hisoka's hand* H-Hey, guys.

Everyone in le kitchen: *mumble* Hey...

Hoodie: S-So... you guys know-

Nikki: The slut? Oh, yeah. We know her.

BEN: Big time...

EJ: *sighs slightly aggravated* You know, that really wasn't called for.

Nikki: After what he did to Anna? *scoffs* Like I'll stop. The player's lucky I don't kick him in the place where the sun don't-

Masky: Nikki! Just stop...

Nikki: ... Whatever... *stands up and cleans off her plate at the kitchen sink*

Ciara: *clenches her fist under the table, glaring at Hoodie and stabbing at her food with her fork*

Jeff: CiCi, you okay?

Ciara: *stops stabbing her food* ..... *growls and stands up quickly, charging at Hoodie*

BEN: *gasps and grabs Ciara before she can get to Hoodie* Somebody... HELP!!!!! *struggles to keep Ciara away*

Jeff: *helps BEN hold back Ciara* Ciara! Calm down!

Slender: *somehow ((I don't know if he can do this but just go with it:P)) creates a force field to separate everyone that was in the kitchen from Hoodie and Hisoka*

Ciara: *gets free from Jeff's and BEN's hold and charges at the force field* Dammit, Hoodie! How could you?! *punches and kicks the force field* How the hell could you do this to Anna?!

Splendy: Out of all people to choose from, you chose her sister? That is just not right! *frowns*

Offender: Woah. So, let me get this straight. Hoodie was technically playing with Anna's feelings this entire time while he was with this other chick that was her sister?

Trendy: Seems about right, brother.

Offender: Man, I'm not even that messed up!

EJ: *doesn't say a word and looks at his phone as it vibrated, reading a text Annabel had sent him*

Nikki: *puts away her dish as the computer dings* ... *smirks evilly as she opens up Wattpad and reads the comment*

BEN: What's it say?

Nikki: *whispers* A little someone has to beat up Hoodie.

BEN: *looks at Nikki wide eyed, his lips forming an evil smirk* ... Do it.

Hisoka: What is that nerd with the glasses and the elf boy talking about?

Hoodie: *gulps slightly* I-I don't know...

Nikki: Slendy, teleport the b*tch somewhere else real quick. Hoodie and I have some business to take care of... *cracks knuckles and pops neck a few times*

Slender: *shrugs and teleports Hisoka away*

Hoodie: What the- W-What did you do to Hisoka?!

Slender: *opens up the force field for Nikki*

Nikki: *steps into the living room, standing directly in front of Hoodie as Slendy closed the force field behind her* Hoodie....

Hoodie: *gulps* Oh crap...

Nikki: *grabs the coat rack, dumping all of the coats on it, and wacking Hoodie with it* For Annabel! *continues to beat him up with the coat rack*

Hoodie: *screams in pain, begging for mercy*

Nikki: *throws the coat rack aside and kicks Hoodie where the sun don't dare to shine*

Hoodie: *winces in pain and clutches his part, tumbling over*

Nikki: *dusts off hands* Alright, now to continue the rest of the dare... *screams from the other side of the force field* Come on, Ciara! Let's go get Anna and have a Girls' Night Out!

Slender: *opens up the force field for Ciara and keeps it open after she steps out*

Ciara and Nikki: *run upstairs to get Annabel*

EJ: *remembers what Annabel texted him* W-Wait! Don't go in there!

Ciara and Nikki: *ignore him and open Annabel's door*

EJ: She wants to be-

Ciara and Nikki: *gasp and runs inside towards the crying and cutting Annabel* Anna! Stop!

EJ: *runs in after them*

Annabel: *looks up shocked*

Ciara: Annabel! Don't do this to yourself!*grabs her hand and drags her to the bathroom, turning on the water and washing off the blood on her wrists*

Nikki: *freaking out with tears streaming down her face*

EJ: *standing at the foot of the bathroom door, looking at Annabel sadly*

Ciara: *dries off her wrists and wraps them in bandages* A-Anna... why? *tears fill her eyes*

Annabel: I-I'm sorry...

Nikki: *barges in and hugs Annabel* P-Please, don't do this. E-Ever again! *sobs*

EJ: *hears the door to Hoodie's room open and sees Hoodie step inside* I'll be right back... *storms out of Annabel's room and bangs on Hoodie's door* Open the hell up!

Hoodie: *opens the door a little* Wha-

EJ: *pushes the door completely open and grabs Hoodie by the throat, walking inside the room and slamming the door shut with his foot*

*screams of pain, threats being shouted, and things being thrown around the inside of Hoodie's room are heard throughout the house*

Ciara: *closes Annabel's room door shut as Nikki sits Annabel on the bed*

Annabel: Y-You guys don't h-have to take c-care o-of me...

Nikki: Gurl, you best be joking 'cause we are gonna take care of you.

Ciara: But, we won't be all bossy. We'll make it into a Girls' Night Out thing.

Annabel: O-Okay...

Nikki: *sets some pillows and blankets on the floor*

Ciara: *pops in a horror movie into the dvd player*

Le girls: *lie down on the floor, watching movies and hanging out*

Masky: *sighs as he hears Hoodie screaming as EJ beat him up* Well, that's all for today. Bye everyone.

A/N: Sorry to the Hoodie fans that hate the fact that Hoodie was beaten up during the entire chapter. But, wouldn't you beat up the person that hurt someone you cared about?

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