The Longest Chapter You Will Ever Read (On 4th of July Weekend :D)

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Nikki: *lying down on bed, sulking*

Ciara and Kameron: *comforting Nikki and thinking of multiple ways to murder BEN*

Nikki:*trying not to cry* W-Why would he do that to me? I-I gave him everything... and this is how he repays me?

Ciara: Nikki, don't think about that low life. You deserve better.

Kameron: Yeah. There are a lot of guys in this mansion that I know you will like once you get to know them better.

Nikki: I seriously doubt it... *buries face in pillow*

Ciara: *stands up* Okay, gurl. You need to stop sulking and gind a new man.

Nikki: How? BEN was the only one I loved...

Ciara: Let's throw a party! That way you can mingle with the other CPs. ;D

Nikki: .... You think I'll find someone new?

Ciara: Totally! And, it's 4th of July weekend, so why not?

Nikki: *sighs and sits up* Alright. Fine. We'll have a party.

Ciara and Kameron: *cheer*

Kameron: Alright! I'll go tell everyone while you guys get the decorations and probably some outfits for us girls.

Nikki: Is Angel coming?

Ciara: *frowns and shakes head*

Kameron: Why not?

Ciara: Well... she's kinda busy with.. stuff..

Nikki: Like what?

Ciara: Stuff.... Anyways, let's go get the decorations!

Nikki: Okay! *runs out of ze mansion along with Ciara*

Kameron: *running around ze mansion yelling about ze party*

Angel: *hears about the party and frowns, sighing* Out of all things, why did the party have to be today?

*computer dings*

Angel: *looks around for computer*

Hoodie: *playing Sexy Back on Angel's computer while putting clothes on after shower in bedroom*

Angel: *doesn't know he is in bedroom and walks in*

Hoodie: *was putting on boxers just as she walked in*

Angel: GAH! *blushes crimson red*

Hoodie: *spins around on heels and smirks* Angel, I know you want me and all but knock at least!

Angel: *face palms, blushing even more* I didn't mean to see you like this... if anything I never wanted to....

Hoodie: *pulls pants on and smirks once again* Oh, please. Don't act like you've never seen me naked bef- *sees Jeff behind Angel and blushes* Uhh...

Jeff: *was standing at the door behind Angel the entire time* .... Dafuq?

Angel: .... *takes the computer and runs out of room*

Jeff: ....

Hoodie: .....

Jeff: .... SLENDY!!!! *runs off to find Slender*

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