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A/N: Sorry, this isn't really like an update. I just wanted to let you guys know how things go down when there are no questions or dares. So, I get bored and do this for fun. ^-^ Idk if I should keep doing things like this. Can you guys comment below if I should keep doing things like this or not?

Annabel: *trudges downstairs in pajama shorts and tank top with a blanket wrapped around her, sneezing* H-hey guys. *sneezes*

EJ: Woah, are you okay? *runs up to Annabel*

Jeff: Yeah, you look horrible!

Annabel: *gives Jeff that look you make when someone says something stupid and you're just like, 'really?'* Thanks, Jeff. I really didn't notice. *sneezes*

Masky: Slendy! Can you come here for a second?

Slender: *walks in* What seems to be the matter- *gasps* Annabel! *runs up to Annabel and checks her forehead* You're burning up, child!

BEN: *looks at what she's wearing* Well, no wonder! She's wearing shorts and a tank top in the middle of fall!

Slender: Annabel, why would you do such a thing?

Annabel: Because.... yolo biotches- *face plants on the floor and falls asleep*

*Ze doorbell rings*

Hoodie: I-I'll get it. *walks to the door, opens it, and gets pushed aside by a girl wearing skater like clothes and glasses*

Girl: The party has arrived! *poses*

Annabel: *jolts up* MAH BITCH BE HERE!!!! *runs to the girl and hugs her*

Others: *confused*

Slender: Uhh... Annabel, who is this... human?

Jeff: Slendy, can't you see? ....Wait.

Slender: *says nothing and flips Jeff off*

Jeff: Anyways... Annabel has brought me my next victim. *laughs maniacally* Thanks, babe. I owe you big time. *pushes Annabel aside and faces the girl, his knife in hand*

Girl: Bitch, you best be meaning to stab someone else 'cause if your gonna try to kill me I'mma woop yo ass. *sassy snap*

Annabel: *in background* Bitch, who you callin' "babe"?!

Girl: Boy, I am not here to be slaughtered. I'm here because I'm a part of this question and dare thingy.

BEN: But, no one here even knows you except for- Annabel....

Everyone: *all turn to Annabel*

Annabel: *smiles sheepishly* Well, you see, I might have added her to this book... heh.

Everyone except for Annabel and the girl: *groans*

Slender: Well, if she is going to stay here then can you at least tell us who she is?

Annabel: She, *sneezes* my friends, is *sneezes* Nikki White. Also known as @dork_chic123 *sneezes* and mah best friend! :3

Nikki: Yezum! :3

Annabel: Nikki, I suppose you know who they are?

Nikki: Yupz! *points to each CreepyPasta and says their names one at a time* See? Told ya I know mah stuff!

Annabel: And I never doubted you one bit! ((lolz total lie XD))

*someone knocks on door*

Slender: Oh who is that now?! *opens the door* Oh no...

Trender: *walks in* The fabulousness has arrived!

Offender: *barges in and spots Nikki and Annabel* Well, who brought these two beautiful girls here for me? Slendy, you shouldn't have! *takes out two roses* Would you girls like a rose?

Annabel and Nikki: *glance at the roses and glance at each other* ..... *burst out laughing*

Offender: *confused*

Annabel: Sorry, Offendy! You can't fool us! We know all about you and your little tricks!

Offender: -_- *puts the roses away*

Splendor: Hai everybody! *sees Annabel and Nikki* Hello, girls! Balloons and candy for you wonderful people! *hands balloons and candy to Annabel and Nikki*

Annabel and Nikki: Thanks, Splendy!

Splendor: Awh, you're welcome, my darlings!

EJ: Annabel, did you bring them here?

Everyone but Slendy, Nikki, Offendy, Splendy, and Trendy: *glare at Annabel*

Annabel: *raises hands up in defense* Hey, don't *sneezes* look at me! I *sneezes* didn't invite them! Even if I did, I wouldn't *sneezes ((dang how many sneezes you got?))* have invited Offender!

Offender: *in background* Hurtful! D:

BEN: Well, if it wasn't you, then who?

Eeryone except Slendy: *all glance at Slender as he was backing away slowly out of the room*

Jeff: Slendyyy.....

Slender: Well, you see.... *pretends to here someone calling him upstairs* Oh! Coming! *runs upstairs*

Everyone: *left totally hanging*

Annabel: Well.... that happened.... anywho, I *sneezes ((SHUT UP WITH THE F'ING SNEEZES ALREADY!!!!!))* am gonna go take a *sneezes ((you know what... I'm not even gonna bother T-T ))* nap... Bye... *trudges upstairs*

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