Streaking and Drama????

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Angel and Nikki: *singing Never Let Me go by We Came As Romans*

Nikki: My body shivers at the thought of getting up

My heart is starting accept that I am giving up

No strength left

Is it over yet?

Am I thinking with my heart or with my head?

Through distance

You remind me again

Angel: Don't let me, don't let me, don't le me go!

Nikki: So hold me close

And never let me

Never let me go

At my lowest of lows, when I need you the most!

Angel: And if our lives reversed

It's you who's falling, it's you who's falling first

I will hold you close

I will never let you go

Nikki: (I will never let you go, I will never let you go)

My hands welcome yours as you begin to save me

My heart is starting to accept your rescue completely

With this new life that you placed in mine

I know that I will make it through to you

And in my steps you will follow behind


Angel: Don't let me go!

Nikki: So hold me close

And never let me

Never let me go

At my lowest of lows, when I need you the most!

Angel: And if our lives reversed

It's you who's falling, it's you who's falling first

I will hold you close

I will never let you go


And if our lives reversed

And it's you who's falling first

I will hold you close

I will never you go!


And if our lives reversed

It's you who's falling first

I will hold you close

I will nver let you go!

Nikki: So, hold me close-

*le computer dings*

Angel: Dang it! We were just getting to the end! *grabs le computer and checks le dare* Omg, Azaria? Really?

Nikki: What? *looks over Angel's shoulder and laughs* Okay, I have no idea who this "@fluffy_zarzar_" chick is but she's awesome! XD

Angel: Woman, don't make meh high five yo face into next week. *le sassy snap*

Nikki: Bitch, I know you did not just sass meh! *le sassy snap*

Angel: Oh, yes I did! *le sassy snap*

LJ: *stands in between the two* Bitches, please. >:3 *sassy snaps and walks away like a sassy motherf*cker*

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