So.. Many... DARES!!!!!

782 17 32

Hoodie and Masky: *having an epic glare contest*

Jeff: *sitting on the couch, watching them and eating popcorn*

Hoodie: *growls* Just back off, Masky! Angel's mine!

Masky: How can you even think that? You pretty broke her heart when you said out of nowhere, "I have a girlfriend." Why would she even like you anymore?

Hoodie: Because she kissed me! What other proof do you need to know that she likes me?

Masky: Well, she kissed me, too! And, you're probably just lying!

Jeff: *stands up and gets in between them* Woah. You guys are fighting over Angel? I thought this was about cheesecake again!

Hoodie: Okay, that only happened once-

Jeff: *coughs* Three times. *coughs*

Hoodie: Okay, three times but that doesn't mean we fight over that all the time!

Jeff: Mhm. Riight... Anyways, I thought she was going out with Toby?

Masky and Hoodie: WHAT?!?!

Jeff: Yeah, I saw them go up to the roof together earlier today to watch the sunrise or something.

Masky and Hoodie: *look at each other* .... *run up the stairs into the attic, pushing each other off the stairs to the roof so the other could be first*

Jeff: Well then.

Toby: Okay, your turn. What's the most embarrassing thing about you?

Angel: Umm... probably that when I try to fly on my wings I faceplant onto the floor.

Toby: *laughs*

Angel: *giggles* Okay, okay. Your turn.

Toby: *tries to hide blush* I um... once attempted to twerk.

Angel: 0-0 .... Pfft- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Toby: *chuckles* I'm serious!

Angel: *tries to stop laughing* I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!!!!! *laughs even harder* HELP!!!!

Toby: *laughs at Angel's reaction*

Angel: I'm laughing harder than I should! XD

Slender: *from his bedroom directly under where Angel and Toby were* *banging on his roof with a broom and wearing a green tea facial mask, a pink robe and slippers* SHUT UP, YOU DAMN BASTARD KIDS!!!!

Toby: *slowly stops laughing* Okay! Okay! *wipes away tears* I think that's all for today!

Angel: Okay! XD

Toby: *crawls towards the door to the attic and opens it, laughing*

Angel: *laughs and walks towards the door, climbing down the ladder to the attic, seeing Hoodie and Masky wrestling* Um... what are you doing?

Hoodie: *holding Masky in a choke hold* Uhh...

Masky: Nothing?

*le computer dings*

Angel: Okay, well while you two do "nothing" I'm gonna go downstairs. *runs downstairs and jumps over the couch, grabbing laptop and sitting on the floor*

Nikki: *was sitting on the couch and had seen the entire thing* Bangin' entrance, dude!

Angel: *somewhat bows* Thanks! *checks the comment on Wattpad* HOLY BALLZ THIS THING IS LONG!!!!!!

BEN and Jeff: *walk in as she yelled and look at her weirdly*

BEN: *tries not to laugh and whispers to Jeff* That's what she said.

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