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Annabel: *wakes up, wearing an oversized hoodie that dangles off of one of her shoulders and shorts and walks downstairs or some breakfast*

Trendy: Mm, gurl! You be rocking them pajamas!

Annabel: Huh? *looks down at self* Oh, *sneezes ((DA FUQ I THOUGHT YOU WERE DONE!!))* Thanks...

Nikki: Gurl, you should be thanking me! I was the one that found it for you! *sassy snaps*

Annabel: Oh, well thanks. *looks down at it* Where *sneezes*  did you get it anyway?

Nikki: I found it in some room when I was wondering-

Hoodie: Um.. h-has anyone s-seen my h-hoodie? *walks in shirtless ((I'm sorry I had to! XD))*

Annabel: *blushes deeply* Uhh...

Jeff and BEN: *snickers*

Hoodie: *sees Annabel and blushes* .....

Annabel: *glares at Nikki, still blushing* You got this from Hoodie's room?!

Nikki: Sorry! I didn't know!

Annabel: *looks back Hoodie* I-I'll be right back. *runs upstairs*

Masky: Okay then?

Everyone: *hears a crash from upstairs and run upstairs to see what happened*

Annabel and EJ: *EJ is on top of Annabel while she rubbed her head, making it look like an awkward position from the other's view*

Others: *looking at them like "wtf?"*

Slender: *clears throat* Uhh... care to explain?

Annabel and EJ: *look to see the others and blush*

Annabel: GAH! *pushes EJ off as the computer dings* *mumbles* Thank you person that just commented! *runs downstairs*

Others: *all looking at EJ* What the hell were you trying to do?!

EJ: It was not what it looked like! We just bumped into each other!

Everyone but Hoodie: Mhm... right... *walk downstairs*

Hoodie: *death glares at EJ* Next time... *charges at EJ and holds him up with the shirt* Next time you do that, you are so gonna regret it! *drops EJ and stomps down the stairs*

EJ: Woah...


Annabel: *reads dare* Okay, @dork_chic- *turns to Nikki* Really Nikki? Really?

Nikki: I couldn't help it!

Annabel: *rolls eyes* Okay, it says, "I dare slendy to go on a full shopping spree with trendy and has to do whatever trendy says for the whole spree!!! And he can't kill NIKKI!!!!!!!" ..... Dafuq are you talking in 3rd person for?

Nikki: Because, gurl, I got sweg!

Annabel: Riiiight.... okay, Slendy, you heard the girl! Go to the mall with Trendy for that shopping spree!

Slendy: *glares at Nikki* Dear Zalgo, why?! *goes to get Trendy*

Trendy: Ooh! Boy, I knew you would come around someday! Now, come! We have much to do if we wanna get you out of that drab thing you call a suit! *grabs Slendy by the wrist and walks out the front door*

Annabel: Alright, well I'll be sure to put everything that happened at the mall in the next chapter but, until then, just comment what you think or comment a question or dare!

Nikki: Or, tell some of your friends about this story! We seriously wanna have a bunch of questions or dares to keep this book going!

Jeff: And Annabel, you still gotta explain what happened upstairs, you know?

Annabel: Oh crap... well, bye! *runs upstairs*

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