Somebody To Love

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Toby: *jumping up and down while sitting on a beanbag and making a lot of noise with the beads inside*

Slender: *sighs and lowers newspaper he was reading and takes off his glasses* Toby, what are you doing?

Toby: *twitches and looks at Slender while continuing to jump* Nothing. Why?

Masky: You're making a lot of noise.

Toby: Am I? *twitches and still doesn't stop jumping* I didn't notice.

Masky: ... How much did that beanbag cost?

Toby: *still bouncing* Like $20.

Masky: Oh.. *grabs a knife from pocket and makes a giant gash into beanbag*

Toby: *screams as all the beads fall out all over the floor and throws himself to the ground in a desperate attempt to pick them all up*

Slender and Masky: *stare at Toby in silence*

Toby: *now a grotesquely sobbing mess on the floor as he desperately tries to stuff all the beads back into the bag only for them all to fall out again and again*

Slender: Way to fucking break him, Masky. *puts on glasses and starts to read newspaper again*

Annabel: *runs into living room* WHERE IS IT- Why are you wearing glasses?

Slender: ... So I can read the paper?


Slender: A MAN CAN DREAM! *slams paper down on floor and marches upstairs*

Masky: What are you looking for?

Annabel: My computer! I can't find it. *walks around couch and kneels down to look underneath it* Have you seen it anywhere?

Masky: *shakes head* Why don't you try commenting something on your story from your phone? It dings whenever you get a notification, right?

Annabel: That's brilliant! I can't believe I didn't think of that. *takes out phone and starts typing random comments on Wattpad story*

*computer dings in the distance*

Masky: I think I heard it upstairs. *starts walking upstairs*

Annabel: *types another comment and follows Masky*

*dinging gets louder*

Masky: I think it's further down the hall.

Annabel: *follows Masky down the hall while typing another comment*

*computer dings really loud*

Masky: *stops in front of BEN's room* I think it's in here.

Annabel: I'm gonna skin that boy when I get my computer back.

Masky: *opens door and walks inside* BEN, do you have Anna- OH MY GOD!

Annabel and Masky: *scream at the sight of BEN pleasuring himself*

BEN: *screams as they walk in*

Annabel, Masky, and BEN: *continue to scream at one another*

Jeff: *walks in* Dafuq's going on- JESUS CHRIST!!! *covers eyes and runs away, running into the wall in the process*

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