New Friends & Stale Memes

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Annabel: *wakes up shackled to a metal slab platform surrounded by flames and twisted thorny branches* What the...

?????: Ahh! You're awake!

Annabel: *looks around frantically, pulling on the chains more* Who are you? Show yourself!

?????: Oh, you don't remember me? I was the one that kept you up all night, reminding you constantly of what your damned future had in store for you...

Annabel: *eyes widen in shock as heart skips a beat* Zalgo...

Zalgo: Yes! Yes, it is I. *laughs lowly* You got that one quiet quickly.

Annabel: What am I doing here? How dare you take me! When Slender finds out-

Zalgo: Slender? You really are clueless. I didn't take you. The one who promised to keep you safe was actually the one to give you up to me in the long run.

Annabel: What? *eyes start to fill with tears* No! You're lying! He would never do such a thing!

Zalgo: So you wouldn't think that even after becoming a potential threat to the ones he really cares about, he would still try to help you? I would understand the first time, but sadly, this isn't the first time. *appears behind Annabel and leans down to whisper in her ear* Face it, he just doesn't want you anymore. None of them wanted you. *disappears and reappears in front of her*

Annabel: They didn't... want me?

Zalgo: Of course they didn't! I mean, you were to come to me eventually, but this was just an unexpected yet pleasant surprise. Well, "pleasant" for me of course. Now that you're here, I'll use your skills to their full potential to lead this legion that I have built for so long.

Annabel: No matter what, I will never work for someone like you! I'd rather die!

Zalgo: *leans down to Annabel's level and smiles devilishly* I know you don't mean that. Because deep down inside, you're scared beyond your wits. You'd do anything to keep yourself alive, even if that means going against your morals.

Annabel: *scowls and spits in his face*

Zalgo: *stands up straight and wipes face as portal opens up behind him* I guess it'll have to be a difficult process after all. *snaps fingers as two men (one with a large smile with black ooze and sharp teeth poking out and bloody claws and the other with a plague doctor mask) walk in behind him* I'll get going then. *turns around and walks towards the door*

Boy with large smile: *closes door behind Zalgo as the other walks towards Annabel*

Annabel: *pulls against chains* Get away from me! Don't come any closer! I'm warning you!

Both boys: *laugh evilly as they step closer towards her*

Zalgo: *smiles to self as the sound of Annabel screaming in pain is heard*


Everyone: *sitting at kitchen table in silence with one empty chair present as Slender passes around plates of food*

Slender: *sets a plate of food down at the empty chair and continues down the table before sitting down at his chair in the center*

Nikki: *looks at plate of food* You did it again, Slender.

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