Fights and a "Secret"

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Hoodie: *holding an ice pack to his right eye, his mask cracked, and and ice pack on his part, having multiple cuts and bruises after EJ beat him up and sitting on the couch in the living room*

Everyone except for Annabel and Hisoka: *enter the room and notice Hoodie*

Jeff: Woah! Dude, did you get hit by a bus or something?

Hoodie: Shut it!

EJ: *chuckles to self*

Nikki: *looks at EJ* What are you laughing about?

EJ: Hm? *looks at Nikki and smirks under mask* Oh, nothing. Absolutely nothing. *walks upstairs towards Annabel's room*

Masky: EJ beat him up.

Hoodie: Really, Masky? You just had to tell everyone?

Masky: It was either that or I was gonna say you didn't do what Sally said during a tea party and she-

Hoodie: That only happened once!

Ciara: *to Jeff* Does he never stutter when he's this pissed?

Jeff: *shrugs and nods* Pretty much.

Nikki: *smirks* Never knew Hoodie could be a bad ass for once in his life.

Hisoka: *comes downstairs* Well, he's much better than that elf thing you call a boyfriend.

Nikki: *gasps and growls* Why I oughtta-

BEN: *holds her back*

Nikki: Let me go, BEN! This bitch is asking for it!

Masky: *is on Wattpad on Annabel's computer when he sees a comment on the story* Ciara, can you beat up Hisoka?

Ciara: *rolls up shirt sleeves and clenches fists, starting to walk towards Hisoka* Don't gotta ask me twice!

Hoodie: Masky, the hell?! Why would you let her do that?! *tries protecting Hisoka*

Jeff: *holds back Ciara* Is there a reason to this, Masky?

Masky: *nods* Ciara, was dared to in question form.

Jeff: Well, alright then. *lets go of Ciara*

Ciara: *runs up to Hisoka, pushing Hoodie out of the way and punching Hisoka in the face* Man, that felt good! *picks up Hisoka by the hair and punches her constantly until Hoodie pries her away from Hisoka*

Slender: *realizes EJ isn't here* Children, has anyone seen Eyeless Jack?

Nikki: Oh, he went upstairs into Annabel's room.

Masky: Why?

BEN: How about a hint, bro? *starts making kissing sounds*

Nikki: *smacks him upside the head* What is with you in thinking about people making out? .... Or doing something more and wrong?!

BEN: *smirks* Oh please. Stop acting so innocent. You kept kissing-

Jeff: No one needs to hear anything about that. Especially when it's coming from you.

BEN: You people know I'm right! It's totally obvious that EJ liked Annabel and she liked him a little too!

Ciara: And what makes you so sure?

BEN: When we all found EJ on top of Annabel last time. Trust me, that couldn't have been an accident!

Hoodie: Th-That was an accident, BEN! And they aren't kissing!

Trender: Ooh! Drama! Hoodie, why do you care all of a sudden? Hmmm?

Hoodie: I-I don't it's just-

Jeff: Then why did you pretty much deny everything BEN said when you weren't even involved?

Hoodie: I-I... Nevermind. *walks upstairs*

Nikki: *to Ciara* He totally cares.

Ciara: *nods in agreement*

Hoodie: *passes by Annabel's room when he hears a giggle coming from Annabel from the inside* What the...? *presses ear lightly against the door to listen*

Annabel: *from the inside* That's funny. You're funny.

EJ: And you... you're beautiful...

Annabel: B-Beautiful?

EJ: That's what I said wasn't it?

Annabel: *giggles* Thank you.

Hoodie: *hears nothing else and peaks through the keyhole to see what was going on* .... *sees Annabel and EJ kissing and gasps, his heart dropping*

Annabel: *stops kissing EJ and blushes* I-I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have kissed you so suddenly.

EJ: It's okay. *lifts up her chin, taking off his mask completely and kissing her again*

Hoodie: *doesn't want to watch anymore and stands up, walking to his bedroom and slamming to door shut*

Nikki: *hears Hoodie's door slam shut from downstairs* Well, he's pissed.

Ciara: No kidding.

Slender: Well, I guess that is it-

Splendor: Goodbye, my wonderful people! Balloons for everyone!!!! *hands out balloons to all CreepyPasta peoplez and all followers/reader* Bai!!!!!

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