Strip Poker and Twerking

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Angel and Ciara: *having a screamo battle and singing Crash by Fit For Rivals*

Don't know where I'm going

Everybody's running, everybody's running

Come back, after all is broken

Everything is burning, no one is returning

Step back, step back

Everybody step back, step back

It's time to pick up the slack, the slack

You ought to know...

Save me

From this wicked person I've become

As the world

Comes crashing... *turn to le judge, also known as Andrea*

Andrea: *thinks* Hmmm.... I say... Angel can do screamo.

Angel: Yes!

Ciara: *shrugs* Well, I guess you are better than Hoodie when it comes to screaming.

Angel: Awesome!

*ze computer dings*

Angel: *reads le comment on le computer and smirks* This'll be fun.

Nikki: *reads comment over Angel's shoulder* Strip poker? Don't they know Offender lives here?

Angel: Don't worry. I'll beat the guy. And I'll make sure he doesn't mess with us for a long time.

Andrea: How will you do that?

Angel: *grins evilly* I have my ways...

Nikki: But, if you win, you do know that you gotta twerk and stick out your tongue like Miley Cyrus, right?

Angel: Well, it's better than having Offender trying to touch us in our sleep.

Andrea: *nods in agreement* True. Nikki, call the others. *puts on earmuffs and hands one pair to Angel*

Angel: *puts on earmuffs* Go!

Nikki: *yells at the top of her lungs* EVERYONE (except Sally) GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!!!! WE'RE PLAYING STRIP POKER!!!!!

Le everyone else: *walks downstairs*

Toby: *twitches* Why are we playing strip poker?

Hoodie and Masky: *holding hands but keeping their distance* Yeah, why?

Angel and Nikki: *see them holding hands and start laughing*

Hoodie: What?

Andrea: *sees what they're laughing about* Oh! I get it! XD

Masky: What????

Andrea: You guys do know that the dare where I dared you to go out for a week was over for a while now, right? XD

Hoodie and Masky: WHAT?!?!


Andrea: Yep! XD


Nikki: One word: Yaoi. XD

Angel: *laughs even harder*

Hoodie and Masky: -_-"

Kameron: *somehow gets involved in le conversation* So... did you guys fu-

Hoodie: EW!! EW!! NO!! NO!! NO!! *nopes the entire time*

Le girls involved in le conversation: *laugh*

Masky: *places a hand on Hoodie's shoulder* Hoodie-

Hoodie: *swats his hand away* Don't touch me, you b*tch! You masked b*tch! You masked bastard! *puts a lot of emphasis on the word masked*

Masky: *face palms as Hoodie starts freaking out even more about that topic*

~~2 hours later~~

BEN: *takes another drink from beer bottle* Alright motherf*ckers! Looks like me, Offender, and Angel. *points to a shirtless Angel and a full clothed Offender* Even though I only got my underwear on I could still- *passes out*

Offender and Angel: ???? *shrug and continue the game*

Slender: Alright. Last round. Winner take all?

Offender and Angel: *nod and place their bets*

Angel: Okay, Offender. I'll make you a deal...

Offender: What kinda deal? *puts out cigarette*

Angel: If I win... you can't bother the girls and I for one year.

Offender: *chuckles* And, what if you lose?

Angel: I'll be your maid for two months.

Some people that had already lost and were watching them play: *gasp*

Ciara: *whispers to Angel* Dude, what are you doing?

Angel: *whispers* Don't worry. I got this.

Hoodie: *whispers to Offender* Win.

Offender: *chuckles* Well, start getting that maids outfit on, Angel... *puts down cards* Straight; in diamonds.

People that were around him (some of the guys): *smirk in satisfaction*

Angel: You're good, Offender... but just not good enough... *smirks and reveals cards* A Royal Flush.

Le girls and guys that were on her side: *laugh*

Offender: What?! How-

Angel: *shrugs innocently* Better luck next time.

Offender: *groans*

~~10 minutes later~~

Nikki: Now, for the moment most of you perverts have been waiting for... Angel twerking! *steps aside*

Angel: *starts twerking and sticks out tongue like Miley*

Hoodie, Toby, Offender, Liu, and EJ: *cheer and wolf whistle*

Nikki: Like I said... perverts. Anyways, that's all the time we have for now. Comment your questions and dares down below and we will see you in the next part. Bye bye!

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