Chapter 16: Lovely Losers

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Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you all know that I MIGHT not be able to update this Saturday, as I usually do.

My updating schedule is Tuesdays and Saturdays, and I may not be able to update this Saturday, because I'm actually going away to Toronto on Friday and seeing Taylor Swift on Saturday night! :) (I'M SO EXCITED I CAN'T EVEN BREATHE. AHHHHHHHH).

Anyways, I'm going to try my best to update on Saturday, I'm just not certain I will have access to Wi-Fi, and that sort of thing.

If I'm unable to update Saturday, don't worry! I will update again as usual the following Tuesday.

Thanks, and enjoy Chapter 16 :)

-Becca xoxo


I roll over, and crack open my eyes slightly.

Sunlight streams through the window, and I shut my eyes again, as the sudden flow of light hurts to look at.

I groan softly, forcefully looking at the clock on the night table.

11:30 AM.

Damn, I've slept in.

I roll onto my side, blinking a few times to clear my vision.

Patrick's side of the bed is empty.

Of course.

He's probably already up, showered, and dressed.

He's always been more of a morning person than I am.

I pull the sheet tighter around my bare body, as the memories of last night come flashing back to me.

Fast hands, deep kisses, Patrick's gentle touch, his tongue caressing my stomach, his hands stroking my inner thigh until his fingers found the spot between my legs, and then finally, the part when Patrick and I moved together as one.

It was a good night.

Sex with Patrick is one of the most enjoyable things I will ever do.

He's so good at it.

Honestly, I used to suck in bed, until I met him.

He's taught me all of his tricks.

I shake my head, laughing and rolling my eyes at this thought.

We couldn't resist each other after last night's talk on the beach.

That talk had me feeling some type of way...

I can't even put it into words.

It was beautiful.

It's Tuesday, July 12, and it looks like a gorgeous day outside.

I lie around in bed for another half hour or so, until I force myself to get up.

Naked, I get up out of bed, and hobble my way over to the shower.

I am sore from last night.

Usually, it's not this bad, but God, did Patrick ever work me hard.

This is the way it should be.

I roll my eyes playfully, as I turn on the hot water in the shower.

I glance in the mirror, and notice that dark bruises line my collarbone, all the way across.

I run my fingers over the dark bruises, smiling to myself.

Hickeys are beautiful.

They have always been my favorite love mark.

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