Chapter 32: In Love With the Untouchable

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Everyone in the wedding hall claps and cheers, excitedly.

Patrick and Abby have just kissed, making them officially, husband and wife.

All of the groomsmen and I clap, cheering excitedly.

Sharpie whistles a few times.

The bridesmaids on the other side laugh, clapping their hands together.

Everyone sitting in the pews clap and stand up, watching with large smiles on their face.

Abigail's parents are holding hands, cheering, as well as Patrick's parents.

This moment is one of pure happiness.

I glance over at Patrick and Abigail, who are staring into each others' eyes, laughing together.

The organ starts, and everyone cheers even louder.

With that, Patrick quickly scoops Abigail up bridal style, and she wraps her arms around the back of his neck.

Laughing, Patrick carefully makes his way down the three steps, Abigail in his arms, looking up at him with a large smile on her face.

Patrick, carrying Abigail in his arms, walks down the aisle, everyone turning their heads as he walks past them.

Everyone cheers.

Once Patrick and Abigail reach about three-quarters of the way down the aisle towards the doors, the bridesmaids and the groomsmen follow, one pair at a time.

We start with whomever was furthest from Patrick, as well as whomever was furthest from Abigail.

In this case, it's Kyle and Jessica.

They link arms, and everyone cheers as they make their way down the aisle together.

Next to follow is Saader and Natalie, linking arms as they walk down the aisle.

I watch Natalie carefully.

She looks truly beautiful.

As always.

But I still can't convince myself to date her, at this point.

Again, I feel guilty as hell.

But, it's not her, it's me.

I shake myself out of my thoughts, watching as Jackie and Shawzy make their way down the aisle, the guests continuing to cheer.

Next, Chaunette and Sharpie link arms, walking down the aisle together.

And lastly, I take a few quick steps down the three small stairs, and meet Erica at the bottom.

The best man and the maid of honor.

We link arms, and she rests her hand on my arm.

The two of us walk down the aisle, the guests cheering and laughing as we do so.

I smile, looking around at all the guests.

All here for Kaner's wedding.

And now, he's married.

Our little Kaner.

Erica and I make our way down the aisle, and through the doors at the end of the wedding hall.

We meet up with the rest of the bridesmaids and the groomsmen, all standing around together.

"Where did Patrick disappear to?" Erica asks, as I look down and over at her.

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