Chapter 51: Depth

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The cold, winter air enters my lungs with a passion as I walk down the streets of Downtown Chicago.

I shove my hands into my jean pockets, in attempt to warm my fingers.

The snow crunches under my feet, and light snowflakes fall from the sky.

Chicago is covered in a fairly thick blanket of snow, and the streets and sidewalks are only illuminated by streetlights.

It's Friday, January 20, about 7:00 in the evening.

The Blackhawks got home from a road trip to California a couple days ago, and the cold really hit me hard once I got back to Chitown.

This morning, the Blackhawks had a two hour practice at Johnny's Ice House, and then some light fitness testing after the on-ice practice.

After that, we had the rest of the day off.

This evening, Abby didn't feel like cooking and we both didn't feel like going out for dinner, so we ordered take out Chinese food from the restaurant a couple blocks down the road.

I told her that I would go pick it up, and bring it back to the apartment.

So, that is exactly what I am doing.

It's fairly cold today, but thankfully, the restaurant isn't all that far away from Trump Tower.

It's also dark too, considering the fact that the sun basically sets at 4:00 at this time of the year.

I walk down the fairly busy streets of Downtown, the snow crunching underneath my feet.

The nightlife is alive tonight, as it is a Friday night in The Windy City.

As I walk, I can hear the music coming from bars as I will occasionally past one on the street.

I adjust the toque on my head, pulling it further down on my head.

The air is cold and has an icy grip on your insides.

After about five minutes, I make it to the small Chinese restaurant.

I open the door, and the warm air fills my lungs, feeling good.

I proceed into the restaurant, heading to the front desk.

After about a minute, I have paid and picked up all of our food, that is now in a brown bag.

With that, I begin walking back towards Trump Tower, once again, but this time, with food in hand.

Abigail and I have both been doing well.

The new year has started, and that year is 2017.

I can't believe just how fast time has gone by.

And with that, how much life has changed.

Abby is about seven weeks pregnant.

Of course, she's only been pregnant for just over a month, but the clock starts ticking from the first day of her last period.

That makes her, seven weeks.

She's doing well.

She looks great, and from what I understand, she feels good too.

Of course, seven weeks is still really early.

Anyone that knows Abigail, probably can't tell that she's pregnant.

But in saying that I see her pretty much every single day, I have to admit, there is a small change in the size of her belly.

I don't even notice it all the time.

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