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A few weeks pass by and not a single man has bothered me after I stood up for myself. They still give me dirty looks maybe even more than before but I couldn't care less. Toph stayed by my side most of the day as did Katara but I told them not to stay with me all the time because I didn't want them to be hated. When I was alone I went to Aangs room and watched over him and slept there most of the time because I couldn't sleep well at night.

We were out on deck when Aang came running out with his face full of panic. We got him to calm down and then he noticed we were not Fire Nation. Then he collapsed.

When he was awake again I gave him a hug and I could feel he was surprised by it but hugged me back. ''I'm so glad you are awake'' I said when I released him. Katara took him down for a healing session after a shot of pain went through him. And I decided to go to my room and try to get some sleep.

The next morning when we were eating breakfast Sokka explained the whole story to Aang. Katara mentioned that he looked good with hair ''I have hair!'' he yelled and his hands shot up to his head and felt his hair. ''How long was I out?'' he asked worried ''A few weeks'' Katara said quietly.

After Sokka told everything Aang questioned what would happen now and Hakoda who stood beside us, to my dismay, said they are working on an invasion plan. Sokka explained that we would use a small group of friends and allies from around the earth kingdom.

And that the best part was that the whole world thinks Aang is dead, Sokka's words. ''The whole world thinks I'm dead?!'' Aang shouted surprised. ''Great Sokka, just great'' I mumbled. Sokka explained that the Fire Nation wouldn't be looking for him and it was to their benefit.

Then someone blew the horn, it was a sign that there was a Fire Nation ship coming our way and we quickly hid. Bato and Hakoda talked to the men and then they walked away. ''They are onto us!'' Toph shouted and threw the men of the bridge between our ships. Katara and I made a big wave to push the other ship back and we sealed away. But the other ship soon followed us and began to shoot fire rocks at us.

I stood on the back of the ship and tried to catch as many fire rocks in ice. Then they used a harpoon to make a hole in the ship but Katara froze the hole so the water couldn't come in anymore. Toph was taking out the catapult and Katara made a cover for us.

But then a fire rock came crashing into the ship, Katara and I extinguished the fires. When it couldn't get worse the serpent from the serpents pass appeared and was ready to attack us but then it got hit by a fire rock and it attacked the Fire Nation ship.

We stopped at a harbor and Sokka, Toph and Katara wanted to go look for some food I didn't want to go. I walked over to Aangs room and when I reached it I heard him and Katara talk. Aang said he didn't need anything but that he had to redeem himself and get his honor back. I sighed knowing that phrase all too well.

I heard Katara walk out of the room ''I know you are there Miku'' said Aang from inside the room and I walked over to him. ''I'm sorry I wasn't spying on you, I happened to be there'' I explain to him. ''You don't have to explain yourself Miku, I know you won't do something like that'' he said and sat down on his bed and I walked over and sat down next to him.

''Want to tell me what's wrong?'' I ask but not pushing for an answer. ''It's just that I feel helpless and the whole world thinks I'm dead, that I failed them, again. And Sokka says it like it's a good thing'' he exclaims and stands up. ''I get your frustrations and Sokka is being Sokka, he doesn't see the harm in saying like that'' I explain.

''I know that's just how he is but it can be very annoying'' he sighs. ''Oh I know all too well how annoying he can get, believe me'' I joke and Aang laughs. ''All you need to worry about right now is your recovery so you are strong enough to take on the Fire Lord. If you force yourself to much it won't get any better and maybe even cause permanent damage to your body. I kind of know what you've been through'' I say and lay my hands on his shoulder.

''You know?!'' he asks curious. ''Yes, when Azula struck you I felt this immense pain going through my body and after that I felt very weak. It got better when Katara healed you with the water from the North Pole'' I explain him and sit back down.

I was still thinking about the connection between Aang and myself, because there had to be something. ''We have to find out how this connection is possible'' Aang read my mind. ''I was thinking the same thing'' I laugh. ''Come on let's go and figure this out'' Aang said enthusiastic and grabs his glider from the ground.

''No Aang you can't leave in your condition. I won't let you!'' I say and stand in his way. ''I was afraid you would say that'' he said with no emotion. ''I'm sorry Miku'' he said.


Thank you for reading my story.

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- If you see any mistakes let me know.

- xo Calypso-Nox.

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